The history of the Uzbek Kurash goes deep in 3500 years. It was - TopicsExpress


The history of the Uzbek Kurash goes deep in 3500 years. It was born in the territory of Movarounnahr. Centuries ago the young men of this land gave an enjoyable moment to the local people with wrestling (Kurash) during national holidays and weddings. Kurash essentially means to win in а right way. 2500 years ago outstanding Greek philosopher and historian Herodotus said in his dairy that Kurash was the part of the traditions and costumes of Uzbeks. Kurash was named as the most favorable sports in the ancient Uzbek folk poem Alpomish. Avicena (Ibn Sina), the famous Eastern scholar, who lived in Х century and was the founder of contemporary medicine said: “Kurash is the sports that give the material and spiritual health to the mankind”. In XIV century great state leader Amir Temur used the Kurash to train his soldiers that caused victories of his soldiers in numerous wars. In 1980 traditional Kurash got a new life. Manу conferences aimed at taking Kurash up to a new level, renew the rights of this sporting and to establish new terms of international standard were held. In 1990 Kurash began to develop rapidly. Outstanding sportsman, master of judo and unarmed self-defense Komiljon Yusupov contributed to these efforts. President Islam Karimov initiated the idea to broadly trumpet Kurash and popularize it. Оn September 6, 1998, the representatives of 28 states from Asia, Africa and Europe established the International Kurash Association (IКA) in Tashkent. The first meeting of the Association approved its new statutes, and international regulations as well as head body – executive committee. In April 1999 the city of Tashkent hosted the first World Kurash Championship contests. Representatives of 48 states took part in it. Islam Karimov, President of Uzbekistan, honorary president of IКA made а speech at the opening ceremony of the contests. In 2000 the city Antalia in Turkey the next contests of World Championship weer held, in 2001 - Budapest (Hungary), in 2002 – Erevan (Armenia), in 2005 - Tashkent(Uzbekistan), in 2007 – Ulan-Bator (Mongolia). IКA pays an attention to develop this type of sports among the youth. In this, Tver (Russia), Shahrisabz (Uzbekistan), Santo-Domingo (Republic of Dominica) cities hosted the World Championship of Kurash among the youth. Moreover, continental and national Kurash associations regularly hold Kurash contests. The sports contests were held in theUnited Kingdom, Turkey, Iran, Israel, Sri-Lanka, Bolivia, New Zeeland, Africa and Greece as well. The main goal is to include Kurash in the list of Olympic games. On January 24, 2003 the Asian Olympic Union suggested to add the Kurash to the list of Olympic games. This day was considered as to be historical. In December 2006 the city of Doha in Qatar held XV Asian games where the first Kurash show-contests were organized. Kurash is one of the sports, which has covered all continents of the globe in а short time. By 2008 IКA joined all 102 state national Kurash federations of the world. According to the statistics, now 2 mil1ion wrestlers all over Uzbekistan. Kurash is a type of sports that imbibes centuries-old philosophy traditions of the Uzbek nation. It trains the mankind to respect its rivals, and be brave. Kurash gathers both fans and athletes together. That’s why, the Uzbek nation believes that Kurash will be included into the list of Olympic games in future. southturkistan.wordpress/2009/01/31/uzbek-kurash-gains-world-appraisal/
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 09:33:54 +0000

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