The holy message of Nirankari Babaji at Meerut delivered on - TopicsExpress


The holy message of Nirankari Babaji at Meerut delivered on 21/5/14:- Holy Saints, say with one loving voice, Dhan Nirankar Ji. 1. Today, this occasion when devotees have gathered in huge numbers in meerut to celebrate spirituality in life, gives immense pleasure and happiness. This is an effort to make sure that this earth is beautified with love, peace and tolerance. 2. The environment of the society today is venomous and disgraceful, giving rise to hatred and war. And, thus the noble souls make efforts to implore mankind towards the divine path of Truth and God Realization, as this is the only way to bliss. 3. This year, I got many opportunities to visit various cities and states of the country. The places were many, but the message was same; The message to realize the importance of this rare birth as humans, which has been endowed by Gods grace unto us. This birth is an opportunity to understand the source of ones being, the opportunity to know God. But, man on the other hand is living a life worse than animals, busy in jealousy, killing and ego. 4. All our basic instincts resemble with those of animals, whether it is eating, sleeping, fear or reproducing. The only difference is that of Wisdom to know God. And if this uniqueness is not made a part of ones life, it is nothing but an animal existence. 5. This world is not permanent and ever changing, and thus a case of anxiety, fear and sorrow. God realization makes us fearless and eternally happy. The yardstick to measure the importance of life should be the Almighty Lord. This world exists because of the creator. If we forget the creator, the creation is of no use. There can be an ocean without waves, but no waves without the ocean. The humans today have forgotten the creator. As a Poet said khyale rizk hai, raazak ka koi khyal nahi . That we remember the material, but have forgotten the one who created it all. 5. A father gets a toy for his son. The child is so engrossed in playing with the toy, that he does pay attention to the voice of his father. He hears the voice, but gives no importance to the sound of father, who is the one who gave the toy. This is how man seems to have forgotten the almighty lord, who has endowed all the material things. 6. Kabir Ji said satche ka koi gahak nahi, jhoote jagat pateeje ji. Men are totally awake and aware to see the fantasies of this world, but seen to be in deep slumber when it comes to a dialogue on God. But remember, if we want to attain importance in the world, we have to give importance to the creator of this world. All saints and sages are remembered today, as they gave preference and importance to the creator over creation. 7. Thus we should attempt to make a connect with this almighty and live a life beyond this body. The soul resides in the body, but is able to live above the body once the actual source is known. This knowledge destroys all other designations and identities that we possess. There are no identities of caste, gender, religion, nation, language etc after this awakening. There is only one identity, and that is of Divine Light. 8. So, it is prayed that may all be blessed with this knowledge making this world a better and peaceful place. This eternal message may become a part of everyones life. Dhan Nirankar ji.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 20:48:01 +0000

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