The integrity of de ICC wl b questioned if African states proposed - TopicsExpress


The integrity of de ICC wl b questioned if African states proposed pull out succeed.domestically,de kenyan mps passed motions to discontinue membership of de rome statute,the framework dat established legislators also resolved to repeal the international crimes act,the statute dat domesticates de rome statute. internationally,its nw clear dat kenya and de AU are determined dat unless dey get deir way,dey wl stage a mass withdrawal of african states frm de application by several eastafrican countries including Rwanda,Burundi,Eritrea,Tz and Uganda,to be heard on de pending decision by appeals chamber on whether or not mr ruto shud attend hs trial on a full tym basis,s preparatory to de possible withdrawal of african states frm ICC. Dis application places de court in a difficult position.if de court disallows de application and requires mr.ruto to attend hs trial full tym,dis may become de final trigger for de threatened walkout.if,on the other hand,the court allows mr.ruto to stay away,de trial wl become vacuous,and there wl b well founded accusations dat de court bends its rules to suit de powerful..
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 19:01:18 +0000

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