The intelligence agent told us “we knew that Lee Harvey Oswald - TopicsExpress


The intelligence agent told us “we knew that Lee Harvey Oswald was the patsy for the hit and that Jack Ruby was assigned to kill Oswald before he could talk on the morning after his arrest. The New Orleans mafia had all the players in line because mob boss Sam Giancana was made to look like a fool in front of his associates for backing Kennedy and fixing the Chicago presidential vote for his election.” “I was told that Giancana even went to old Joe Kennedy and asked him to tell Bobby to back off the mob; but nothing was done, so they whacked JFK,” he said. “Heck, there were guys sitting in DEFCON FOUR with sensitive nuclear codes, launch vehicles with missiles—they were within eight minutes of ‘flushing the birds,’ thinking it was Russia that whacked the president. There would have been 120 missiles sent into Russia at the time,” the source told us, confirming our talks with Tom Heneghan who said Russian, British and French agents were all at Dealey Plaza that day. According to Stew Webb, Texans allegedly involved in the orchestration of the Kennedy assassination—including former Texas Speaker of the House Wagner Carr—were also involved in the looting of Sharpsville, Texas Savings and Loan Association which failed and went bankrupt at taxpayer expense. House Committee on Assassinations cover-up of Bush links to JFK death According to Pete Brewton’s book, The Mafia, CIA and George Bush [1992, Shapolsky Publishers, p. 193-94], George DeMohrenschildt, a key subject of the Kennedy assassination in the House Select Committee on Assassinations probe during the late 1970s, was a White Russian count with extensive ties to the CIA who lived in Texas. Babe Ruth, two months before he died in 1948, presents his book The Babe Ruth Story to Yale’s baseball captain, George Herbert Walker Bush, for the Yale library. DeMohrenschildt was associated with Clint Murchison’s meat-packing business and cattle ranches around Dallas according to Brewton; but more importantly, Congress found that DeMohrenschildt’s personal address book contained the name and Midland, Texas address of George H. W. Bush, providing additional evidence linking Bush 41 to events surrounding JFK’s death, covered up and watered down by the congressional committee to protect the future president and others. Former President Bush has publicly stated he does not remember where he was on November 22, 1963, the day President Kenney was assassinated; and no prosecutor has interrogated him as to his ties to DeMohrenschildt and Murchison—part of Nixon’s “Texans.” Hoover’s FBI memo said “the substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency…on November 23, 1963 by Mr. W. T. Forsyth of this Bureau,” revealing that former President George H. W. Bush was a key government player surrounding the events of the JFK assassination despite his repeated denials of association with the CIA. [The Hoover memo was furnished to TomFlocco by long-time federal whistleblower Stewart Webb.] Serious questions remain as to why Hoover thought it important enough to give the young Bush a full briefing immediately after the assassination regarding the FBI Director’s public approach to the investigation. General Bowen was an original member of Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during the 1940s with George H. W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Allan Dulles and others who became known as the secretive “brown-shoe boys,” which later became the CIA. Webb said that Bowen personally told him that Kissinger served as a duel agent for Germany and Russia during WWII before later becoming U.S. Secretary of State under President Nixon; and as of today, General Bowen and Stewart Webb are still alive to testify and allege that an individual with mixed allegiances can hold high U.S. office, the public none the wiser. U.S., British, French, Russian intelligence ‘all over’ Dealey plaza during assassination On the day of the assassination British, French and Russian agents joined U.S. intelligence and Secret Service operatives who were all over Dealey Plaza prior to the event, since word was out through intelligence channels that something major involving President Kennedy was going to happen on November 22, 1963, according to Heneghan. Some of the co-conspirators were brought into the country through Montreal, Canada according to Heneghan, who told TomFlocco this week that “there were three assassination teams: one at Dealey Plaza, one at the airport, and one at the World Trade Mart luncheon, as the latter two locations were to be used as a back-up in case the motorcade diverted for some reason.” According to the U.S. intelligence expert, additional photos and film were taken from a police helicopter in the air above the motorcade during the assassination by operatives from an unnamed foreign government who were not part of the Dallas police force. The existence of extra assassination photos has been confirmed by alleged JFK co-conspirator Frank Sturgis to the San Francisco Chronicle, which may well have been the reason for the break-in at the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate building. Heneghan said the assassination footage taken from a helicopter will prove that the Oswald story was manufactured to support the lone-gunman—magic bullet theory promulgated primarily by current Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter. The federal whistleblower told us “When the Kennedy motorcade turned onto Elm Street, three sewer locations—two nearer to the motorcade and the third nearer to the overpass—were employed to create a triangulation of fire,” adding, there were several individuals used as decoys to divert public attention toward the ‘grassy knoll’ just behind one of the sewer locations near the motorcade.” The often reported three hobos at Dealey Plaza who were detained, questioned and released, according to Webb’s talks with Frank Sturgis, were Charles Harrelson—in prison for killing a San Antonio federal judge in the 1980’s while also serving as a Bush Sr. hit-man, E. Howard Hunt, one of the Watergate “plumbers,” and Frank Sturgis himself who was murdered just before the 1992 election. Webb said he talked to Sturgis in August, 1992 about the Kennedy assassination and Sturgis admitted he was in Dallas that day, confirming that he was one of the spotters or signal men above ground for the “sewer assassins,” and Webb told TomFlocco that he is willing to submit to a polygraph and public testimony before a grand jury. Heneghan said for the sake of history, it should be noted that Dallas police officer J.D. Tippett was shot and killed by the three assassins after running into them near a sewer opening, providing a convenient reason to blame Oswald for shooting Tippett, further implicating him as the patsy for the JFK murder. Heneghan told us that modern technology would show where the shots came from if President Kennedy’s brain had been preserved; however, there are reports that it was missing after the autopsy. Permindex Reportedly involved in the events of November 22, 1963 was a British currency and money laundering entity called “Permindex,” which also contracted assassins and paramilitary teams for extra-governmental operations, according to Heneghan. The U.S. intelligence expert alleged that the Permindex company was also involved in the infamous “Day of the Jackal,” involving the attempted assassination of French President Charles De Gaulle in 1962, the year prior to the Kennedy assassination. Wide reports also indicate that Clay Shaw, the subject of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s prosecution in the JFK case, was a member of the board of directors of Permindex, and that Congress and the Warren Commission covered up CIA files on Lee Harvey Oswald which were in existence well before the Kennedy assassination. As a matter of fact, according to Lenny Bloom of, it was the U.S. government which paid Lee Harvey Oswald’s plane trip home from Russia, referred to as the “Lee Harvey Oswald Repatriation Loan, Volume 18, page 308, The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, also known as the Warren Commission Report, perhaps one of the smoking gun pieces of evidence proving the U.S. paid for the “patsy’s” travel expenses to come home and commit the murder. Bloom also told TomFlocco that Oswald had access to KGB facilities and assets such as arranging for a body double, since his wife Marina was the niece of a high-level colonel in the KGB, providing confirmation of the U.S. military’s two-inch difference in Oswald’s height measurement during his physical upon returning from “out in the cold.” The British agent allegedly involved in the assassination attempt against De Gaulle was Lord Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, chairman of Permindex and head of the North American desk for British Intelligence for command and control, according to Heneghan. Heneghan’s U.S. intelligence sources say that Permindex wanted to sell nuclear technology to Israel at the time, adding that the U.S. Federal Reserve was linked through Permindex to the nuclear technology sale via money laundering activities; moreover, President Kennedy signed an executive order issuing two and five dollar silver certificates to make the illegal activity more difficult for the Fed—another possible factor leading to his assassination. Kennedy also reportedly planned to dismantle the CIA and the Federal Reserve while exposing their illicit operations, pull out of Viet Nam and commence executive orders and support of laws for civil rights—for which Lyndon Johnson ultimately received the credit. Witnesses have connected George H. W. Bush to JFK Jr.’s airport and the 1999 White House oval office assassination plot prior to his murder; and Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s Washington grand jury will be hard pressed not to probe the Hoover FOIA lawsuit links and new evidence linking Bush Sr. to events surrounding the assassination of John Jr.‘s father, JFK., as meritorious evidence and testimony regarding John Jr.’s likely assassination is currently under an active probe by prosecutors. G.H.W.B 1948 All this gives rise to serious grand jury questions: Why has Bush 41 denied being in the CIA on November 22, 1963? Why did Bush 41 [at the age of 39] receive a full briefing on JFK’s assassination on the day after the event? What does Bush 41 know about Hoover’s meeting in Dallas on the night before the assassination? Who else was at the meeting? What did they discuss? Why did Hoover specifically name Bush in the FBI memo? Why didn’t the two U.S. Army Generals having direct knowledge of the above events receive subpoenas for testimony? Siberia USA—whistleblower warehouse General Bowen attempted to expose the ongoing Bush crime family Iran contra drug smuggling in 1987 when he diverted a Boeing 707 aircraft filled with cocaine from its planned destination at Governor Jeb Bush’s Florida drug operation at Homestead Air Force Base to Atlanta, Georgia, according to Bowen’s personal friend Stew Webb. Prior to landing in Atlanta, Bowen contacted federal authorities and the media that he was exposing Bush drug operations; however, when he touched down, Bowen was taken into custody by rogue federal agents loyal to Bush 41 and was kidnapped and taken to the U.S. prison hospital in Springfield, Missouri. The prison hospital is also known as Siberia, USA—where more than two or three thousand federal whistleblowers are currently warehoused to keep them silent about Bush-Clinton corrupt activities. When the scandal at Springfield, Missouri federal prison becomes public regarding the treatment of U.S. military officers, enlisted men and other CIA, FBI and civilian whistleblowers, hell will likely be paid by members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees allowing the activities. General Bowen was injected intravenously for five years with codeine without any charges or a court hearing pending against him, causing him severe heart damage, while his wife continued to receive direct deposits of his general’s pay—but also to remain quiet or she would be killed, according to Mrs. Bowen whose testimony should be of keen interest to any future federal prosecutor. After a prison riot at the Springfield, Missouri facility protesting Bowen’s lengthy injections, illegal incarceration and generally poor treatment of an uncharged United States military general officer while in a comatose condition, Bowen was ultimately released from the prison after five years, whereupon he ultimately fled the U.S. on foot to a foreign country after his book publisher—a former U.S. Marine colonel—was killed for releasing Immaculate Deception. Stew Webb spent seven weeks of his ten-plus months of illegal incarceration at Siberia USA to permanently silence him for participating in Time Magazine stories regarding the Neil Bush—Silverado Savings and Loan and Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandals for being instrumental in causing four congressional investigations in 1989-93 while also causing the appointment of Housing and Urban Development scandal independent prosecutor Arlen Adams. But more importantly, it was Webb’s illegal incarceration that afforded him the opportunity to meet, talk with and collect evidence and witnesses from 2,500 CIA, FBI and military whistleblowers regarding Bush-Clinton crimes. [Click here to examine Stew Webb grand jury demand:] Besides denying his membership in the CIA on November 22, 1963, the elder Bush also denied being involved in Iran contra; but according to General Bowen, “investigators obtained copies of Colonel Oliver North’s diaries which documented Bushs role as a CIA supervisor of the contra supply network. “In 1988 George H. W. issued false statements to Congress, testifying he knew nothing about the illegal supply flights until late November, 1986; yet North’s diary shows Bush at the first planning meeting on August 6, 1985,” said Bowen. Such are the crimes of the patriots.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:53:10 +0000

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