The international press, belatedly catching on to the fact that - TopicsExpress


The international press, belatedly catching on to the fact that our president is a fool, is having fun with the U.S. Thus, Reuters headlines, with a snicker: “Questions turn to U.S. competence in Snowden saga.” The NSA has wonderful technical capabilities to spy on everyone in the world, but can’t figure out how its own contract employee made off with a pocket full of secrets. Remember how contemptuous the wet-behind-the-ears Barack Obama and his newly-minted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose only claim to fame was her marriage to Bill, were of the Bush administration’s Russia policy? Reset! Putin thinks Obama is an idiot. Can you blame him? Obama’s public schedule leaves little room for the extradition effort. He makes a major speech on climate change on Tuesday, and then leaves on a week-long trip to Africa. This is really pretty funny. Obama would surely deal with the crisis that was brought about by his administration’s incompetence, only he is too busy! He’s going to prevent climate change–sure he is! Just dial down that CO2 thermostat! Well, our small part of it, anyway. And no doubt his trip to Africa will be just as productive as the hundred or so trips to Africa by his predecessors have been. Too busy to actually function as president? That’s our Barack! With luck, he will be able to squeeze in a couple of rounds of golf. Though the White House has distanced itself from the Snowden affair… Of course! The White House distances itself from everything. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to live in a U.S. that didn’t have a president–vis-a-vis foreign countries, at least–you are now finding out. Officials from the FBI, the Justice Department and the State Department worked with their counterparts in Hong Kong to extradite Snowden over the next several days, culminating in a telephone call between U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Hong Kong’s Secretary for Justice, Rimsky Yuen, on June 19. “There was a sense that the process was moving forward,” a Justice Department official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Hong Kong officials asked for more information and evidence two days later, but did not give the United States enough time to respond before Snowden left the Chinese territory on June 23. We should have known that Eric Holder would be involved in the fiasco, somehow. One can only imagine what the Chinese think of Holder. George Terwilliger, who served as the Justice Department’s No. 2 official under President George H.W. Bush, said it was too early to know whether the agency should be blamed for failing to get Snowden. “These are not legal issues, per se. They’re political and diplomatic issues, and most of the skills that are exercised are exercised away from the public eye.” Or not exercised, as the case may be. When you read these stories in which European journalists make fun of the Obama administration, you need to keep in mind that most of them, along with the European elites whom they represent, want the United States to be weak. That is why they awarded Obama a Nobel prize before he had done anything at all: it was a Nobel prize for weakness. But even the Euros can’t resist laughing at what a fool we have for a president. A fool, anyway, if you assume that we all want the United States to be a strong and prosperous nation. The above from: powerlineblog/archives/2013/06/how-could-a-goofy-techie-expose-our-governments-incompetence.php
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 19:17:51 +0000

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