The joys of mercury retrograde. If youve been feeling sluggish & - TopicsExpress


The joys of mercury retrograde. If youve been feeling sluggish & completely out of whack , have no fear mercury retrograde is here! Old insecurities & fears bubble up to the surface to pierce through your usual calm exterior. Expect road rage, impatience , electrical & technical meltdowns, Lap tops & smartphones freezing, batteries dying...all the usual frustrations that accompanies a retrograde. Funny thing is , its a great time for clearing. You may feel a surge of energy and start hoking through old drawers, pulling out old boxes, dropping clothes off at charity shops, as the mood just hits you to do a clear out! You also may realise the old emotional patterns youve broken through. Realisation bombs may drop on you! Eureka moments where you realise youre finally free from that old ex/pattern of behaviour etc Mercury retrograde hits me in various ways. I can feel quite philosophical & melancholy one day, whereas the next Im wired to the moon.....the joys of being a sensitive! Anyways...this retrograde brings out the buried emotions and gives you the opportunity to vocalise them. You may run into an ex or finally release old heart ache. Either way you will come through this period feeling a lot lighter. If youre on a weight loss program , hang in there as the scales may lighten as your body enters release mode. Resist the urge to comfort eat as this could be a fantastic time to shift those stubborn pounds. Be warned your body will be tired and fight you every step of the way. Be gentle but firm with yourself. Treat yourself to reiki or reflexology. Be aware when your body needs rest and when its trying to trick you into submission! We shall come out of this soon enough, just be careful with your communication and never assume. This month be very definite in your decisions and deliberations! Its time to clean house! ©Fiona Faery
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 11:19:03 +0000

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