The last few days Ive had a lot of people asking about the - TopicsExpress


The last few days Ive had a lot of people asking about the petition and what is next. First of all, yes we were short. We were short for various reasons that really dont matter now. A lot of lessons have been learned in the process and everyone in the movement will have a much better plan of attack when we reorganize. Until then we all need to focus on a few things if you want those in need to have access to legal medical marijuana. First, take a moment to think about the people you love who could benefit from legal cannabis right now. Next, take a moment to think about those you know and loved who died slowly from a painful disease whose last days could have been more comfortable with legal access to a medicinal plant. Ive thought a lot about the next move and this is what I have come up with: While petitioning we also did a voter registration drive. The movement was able to register a record number of new voters even considering the registrations made during Obamas first campaign. At this time we are not going to be able to resubmit a new petition until the next election cycle in two years. So what can you do right now to get assist the movement? This is my plan: first we need to continue the voter registration drive. We need all the new voters we can get. How do you do that you ask? Its easy as cake! Go to your local election board located in your county courthouse and get a stack of registration forms make sure all of your pro-cannabis friends and family are registered, the public library has them available as well. Next, consider setting up a tent at your local headshop or vape store where you will encounter folks who are more likely to vote our way, you can also set up at the public library as it is a protected free-speech zone. I wouldnt bother to set up at the stores on a weekday, save your time and energy for the high-volume traffic, take the time to have good information available about medical cannabis when you do. Another opportunity which I think has the most potential is this: its festival season, talk to the organizers and see about getting FREE space for a tent or go person to person while wearing a medical marijuana t- shirt and ask for signatures. Do not use slang at anytime. Anyone who wants to get this pushed needs to realize that it will only hurt the cause. From now on please use the words cannabis and marijuana, use them all the time, even to your friends so it will become second nature. Encourage your friends and family to do the same. this will help to legitimize the cause. I know a lot of you are connected to the music industry in one form or another. I understand performers are unable to go from person to person collecting registrations at shows but it wouldnt hurt to use your platform in order to promote the cause on stage in anyway you can, do not use slang when you do. I understand songs such as champagne and reefer cant be helped, my husbands band covers it a lot, but keep the slang to songs only. If you are the husband, wife, sister, aunt, or cousin of a performer at a show do not miss this opportunity to register people, make sure all stage, lighting, sound men, venue owners ect. are registered. Keep registration forms on you at all times so you never miss an opportunity! Everyone! Are all of your cannabis-friendly friends registered? You need to make sure. Next part of the plan: now that we have all these new voters what are we going to do with them? Well, if they vote for Mary Fallin let me promise you that she will do everything to block the petition when we get it passed. DO NOT be fooled by her recent announcement of a study focusing on CBD oil. CBD only is a helpful medicine but certainly not optimum. In order for CBD to be most effective it requires a small amount of companion THC, however not in a high enough level to be psychoactive. Mary Fallins proposal is simply a PR stunt to gain liberal support as my friend and fellow activist William Patrick Jones puts it. First, her proposal is ONLY for a CBD study, second that study will never, ever be finished. We all know that the only reason Mary flip-flopped was because is political pressure from the movement and will NOT help anyone EVER. So, that leads us to the subject of Joe Dorman. Joe came out in support of a CBD study long before Mary did. So what does that mean if it is basically for the same thing? Well, alot! Consider this, This is a overwhelmingly red state. Consider the political risk Joe Dorman for Governor took when making this proclamation and yet he still made the announcement. This leads me to believe that is is much more progressive than he appears and will be markedly more cannabis-friendly. Deep down I truly believe that he will not block any petition that makes the ballot and becomes law. I can promise you that if we get a petition to ballot and win and she is still in office that Mary will do everything she can, one way or another to punish medical cannabis users. She might not be able to stop the legalization, but we all know she truly is against it. Next, when elected, Joe Dorman will need all the back-up he can get. The best thing we can do is to make sure we get all the Democrat candidates elected we can. So, how do these people get elected? Im glad you asked. Volunteer for the candidates, canvass, phone bank, put signs in your yard, tell your friends and family, donate money, stick a bumper sticker on your car, you get the idea. True change never happens unless the people get involved. A conversation has been opened up in Oklahoma about legal medical marijuana, people on the right and left are both in favor of this issue and we have to keep the conversation going. The best way to get this pushed through is the path of least resistance and Mary Fallin isnt it. So it boils down to this: if you care about saving peoples lives and easing suffering of sick and dying people you will help to legitimize the movement by being informed and articulate when discussing cannabis, register medical marijuana-friendly voters, inform them of the importance of their vote, and do what you can to keep Mary Fallin from being reelected.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 02:21:21 +0000

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