The latest disclosures of political corruption in the U.S. and - TopicsExpress


The latest disclosures of political corruption in the U.S. and Europe have driven distrust in government to new highs. The best response would be smaller governments with less economic and regulatory influence–the Margaret Thatcher approach. Instead, governments are in headlong expansion mode, and the bigger the government crisis–whether in European debt, U.S. political payoffs or incomprehensible trade regulations–the more layers of government. New York wiretaps quote politicians openly discussing cash payments in return for favors. The only surprise is the low sums the politicians were demanding, at least the ones who got caught. Layers of government mandates, permits, fines and arbitrary taxes breed complexity and litigation, jacking up the value of the politicians who help navigate the red tape. By one 2012 study, Spain has an incredible 440,000 politicians. A recent poll found 96% of Spaniards believe their politicians are corrupt. That opinion hardened recently, when 22 million euros turned up in a Swiss bank account linked to Spain’s People’s Party, which is headed by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. France‘s budget and tax minister, Jerome Cahuzac, resigned in March over allegations that he has an undeclared 15-million-euro Swiss bank account. Socialist President Francois Hollande is desperately trying to keep famous citizens at home as he pushes tax rates above 60%. The evidence of hypocrisy in his cabinet undercuts the rallying cry of egalite (social and political equality), already weakened by France’s high unemployment and its impending recession. Italy has 7,000 government companies, which have been accustomed to cutting deals with one another without the necessity of competitive bids. This practice helped generate one of the world’s biggest national debts, as well as megaprofits for select government managers and heavy voter turnout in favor of comedian Beppe Grillo’s attack on Italy’s political elite. The European Union’s brimming Brussels wine cellars made corruption headlines in 2012. Its 2013 decision to allow Cyprus to tax all bank deposits (which Cyprus later changed to deposits over 100,000 euros) deepened the belief that eurocrats are only watching out for governments, not the public. Fueling the distrust, billions of euros mysteriously left Cyprus just prior to the March imposition of taxes and capital controls. The financial crises in Greece and Portugal are notable for stiff tax increases, deep recessions and the inability to downsize government. Portugal’s highest court ruled against any public-sector wage and pension restraint. Greece’s government owns dozens of marinas, regional airports and other properties. But it wouldn’t sell any assets in 2012. This added to Germany’s anger at corruption in the euro zone’s periphery. It didn’t help that Greece’s tax collections remain paltry or that a chain of Greek ministers, spanning multiple governments, kept misplacing the list of Greece’s Swiss bank account holders. Yet the corruption in New York and Europe pale in comparison with Washington’s. With its power growing rapidly, favors are worth millions of dollars, creating an uberboom in incomes and construction cranes. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act strictly prohibits U.S. companies from buying political favors abroad but doesn’t apply to Washington, D.C. Borrowers of government funds get easy terms and pay the power brokers well. Congress and its mammoth staff are exempt from the conflict-of-interest rules that apply to most of America. It’s commonplace for legislators to take campaign contributions and jobs from industries under their legislative and regulatory control. Ethanol, sugar, peanuts, windmills, trial lawyers, exporters, banks, hedge funds, the oil industry–the list is endless and global, and each has a lock on government largesse. The solution would be less government power. But no one believes that will happen.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 04:36:14 +0000

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