The letter says: We, like many, are appalled by Iraqs descent into - TopicsExpress


The letter says: We, like many, are appalled by Iraqs descent into a sectarian conflict that threatens its very existence as a nation, as well as the security of its neighbours. We are also dismayed, however, at Tony Blairs recent attempts to absolve himself of any responsibility for the current crisis by isolating it from the legacy of the Iraq war. In reality, the invasion and occupation of Iraq had been a disaster long before the recent gains made by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis). The sectarian conflict responsible for much of the wars reprehensible human cost was caused in part by the occupying forces division of the countrys political system along sectarian lines. It added: In order to justify the invasion, Tony Blair misled the British people by claiming that Saddam had links to al-Qaida. In the wake of recent events it is a cruel irony for the people of Iraq that perhaps the invasions most enduring legacy has been the rise of fundamentalist terrorism in a land where none existed previously. We believe that Mr Blair, as a vociferous advocate of the invasion, must accept a degree of responsibility for its consequences. The letter says: It is our view that, after seven years, Mr Blairs achievements as Envoy are negligible, even within his narrow mandate of promoting Palestinian economic development. Furthermore, the impression of activity created by his high-profile appointment has hindered genuine progress towards a lasting peace. Seven years on there are still over 500 checkpoints and roadblocks in the West Bank. The Gaza Strip, severely damaged by Israels 2009 bombing, remains in a humanitarian crisis, with 80% of its population reliant on foreign aid for survival. Israel continues to build settlements that are illegal under international law. According to the Palestinian Authoritys former Chief Negotiator, Nabil Shaath, Tony Blair has achieved so very little because of his gross efforts to please the Israelis. The letter is also critical of Blairs business interests. Tony Blairs conduct in his private pursuits also calls into question his suitability for the role. Mr Blair has been widely criticised for a lack of transparency in the way he organises his business dealings and personal finances, and for blurring the lines between his public position as Envoy and his private roles at Tony Blair Associates and the investment bank JPMorgan Chase.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 16:55:52 +0000

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