The liberal/left need to take a long hard look themselves in the - TopicsExpress


The liberal/left need to take a long hard look themselves in the wake of the appalling Muslim gang rape revelations. I don’t blame the Muslims particularly, they are simply living by the 7th century rules of a desert warrior, but I do blame the liberal/left for quite literally enabling the brutal rape and violation of our children. All you liberal/leftists are complicit in these crimes against humanity. You could have stopped it years ago, but you deliberately chose not to. The BBC, The Guardian, the Crown Prosecution Service, the Child Protection Agency, the Politically Correct Police Service: I accuse you and the entire liberal establishment of deliberately covering up the multiple rapes and ruined lives of countless vulnerable young girls because of your utterly immoral and obscene attitude toward your own people, and your cowardly appeasement of a religious and political ideology that sanctions the violation of non-Muslim females. Even now, when the facts are presented before us, you tell us it is not a Muslim problem, nor apparently a racial problem, unless of course you happen to be a vaguely all-encompassing Asian. But no amount of politically correct liberal/left evasion can disguise reality, and reality confirms the overwhelming culture of these paedophile rapists to be Islamic, and the overwhelming race of the majority of the victims to be indigenous British girls. And this is not just a one-off case. It’s not only in Britain where this sort of thing happens, because the multiple gang rapes of indigenous girls by Muslims is replicated in every country where Muslims co-exist with non-Muslims: There is a rape epidemic in Oslo. The vast majority of the perpetrators are Muslim, the vast majority of the victims are Norwegian Girls. There is a rape epidemic in Malmö. The vast majority of the perpetrators are Muslim, the vast majority of the victims are Swedish girls. There is a rape epidemic in Copenhagen. The vast majority of the perpetrators are Muslim, the vast majority of the victims are Danish girls. There is a rape epidemic in Sydney. The vast majority of the perpetrators are Muslims, the vast majority of the victims are Australian girls. I think we can safely say, then, that it is indeed a matter of one particular religion, Islam, rather than the liberal/left’s obscene portrayal of it as simply an Asian problem, and it is indeed a racial problem when the victims are overwhelmingly native Europeans. Thirteen separate towns and cities have been identified in Years of indoctrination by the liberal left have produced policemen with no sense of their duty to protect the most vulnerable in society. Politically Correct police chiefs have no morals, no decency, no empathy. They are now driven by the fear of being labelled racist, apparently a far worse crime than racist gang paedophilia. And the worse thing here is that I can guarantee not one policeman will lose his job, even after they admitted they wilfully ignored the ongoing abuse carried out on their watch in the interest of some sort of perverted community cohesion. The British police are now more than just a disgrace, they are a stain on the history of this country. The left-wing Politically Correct indoctrination that has enabled these shameful events means one thing and one thing only: By deliberately ignoring crimes against humanity and subsequently seeking to disguise these crimes, the liberal/left have lost their very own humanity, along with their morals and their souls. If they had any basic common decency they would be ashamed of themselves, but I don’t think they are. Despite facilitating genuine evil and wickedness their prime concern now is to hang on to their jobs and seek to halt the rise of what they term the “right wing” — you know, those nasty people labelled racist — when they drew attention to Muslim gang rape over a decade ago. But they cannot stop us. We are rising only because the public are awakening to the results of all that the liberal left stand for. There is good and evil in this world and the liberal left is evil. Betraying your country via mass muslim immigration is bad enough, but to betray, and to continue to betray your own children is simply a step beyond the comprehension of all decent people, and no amount of liberal/left propaganda and evasion can alter this one simple fact. For the first time in a very long time I feel deeply ashamed to be part of a country that you, the liberal left, have produced. Paul Weston is Chairman of the British Freedom Party.u
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 23:08:06 +0000

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