The liberal mantra has been we want a deal that gives teachers a - TopicsExpress


The liberal mantra has been we want a deal that gives teachers a raise and invests in classrooms, but it must also be in line with settlements with other unions, Christy Clark. Well, # 1. Other unions did not have ripped up clawed back contracts, before the liberal zone of affordability came into effect, so teachers and public school families are already behind the common level of other union negotiations. #2. She says we want a deal. Nothing about a fair deal. Like Frank sings, she wants it her way. There has been no let up in removing unreasonable conditions for negotiating. #3. It must be affordable for taxpayers. Public education is one of the must have affordable investments for society and especially for the lower and middle class families. As costs increase for boards to make ends meet and gov essentially saying tough, deal with it we need Clark to define and explain the parameters of affordable. We cannot NOT afford public education. Gov must give boards money for sizemic upgrading, increased hydro, increased staffing needs, and increased attention needed for vulnerable students. When the costs are the costs, they must be accountable. Think seriously about this. #4. The hard line, unbending condition to blackmail public education to give up previously negotiated and 2ce won, including, Supreme Court of BC rulings, on class size and composition does not bide well for working together to resolve issues. Nor is it investing in classrooms. No wonder Clark promised that no negotiator who is any good will take mediation on. Mr. Ready does not and cannot make or change the laws. Nor can he make the gov come off if their stand. He can only request and recommend. Not to worry, public, these unbending demands and liberal style blackmail negotiations can be revealed and proven in future. This government is holding the public hostage for their own agenda. Think about where they spent the money and were not able to recoup their expendutures - the Olympics, the Olympic infrastructures all over the lower mainland, trucking in snow from other areas of the province, their own multiple wages and expense revamping, the election campaigns, a toll bridge or two (where one was not tolled before), travel and exhorbitant expenses to China to recruit workers into Canada and open registered BC schools overseas, and many more I am sure you can come up with. It takes at least two to dispute and at least the two to work on resolution. When there is an impasse, a judge needs to step in and impartially rule. Two already did. They ruled that this gov acted on behalf of the public and education teachers in bad faith and unlawfully. This government still stands selfishly rigid, ignoring the teachers, public and students, as well as using public funds and the legal system to have their way. The voting public needs public education, society needs quality public education, we need a middle class and deserve the right to improve our lives and society. We pay taxes for these rights. Education makes way for employment. Employed public pay taxes.They buy goods and pay for services where they pay more taxes. There is less burden on the health care system. There is less burden on the jails, policing, and justice costs. Where are the rights? Bring back the rights. Negotiate with intent on some kind of consensus that we can all live with to get on with life in a peaceful, meaningful and fruitful future. This is not a game show. Remove the conditions and E80. Be sincere at what you imply, that you want a resolution to this impass Only you left out the words NOW and FAIR.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:18:42 +0000

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