"The major antagonistic con­flicts in the world and the main - TopicsExpress


"The major antagonistic con­flicts in the world and the main bloody class struggles in the world are between oppressor and oppressed nations. This can be seen in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Venezuela, South Africa, Sudan, Congo and elsewhere. "The class struggle is not concentrated between the pathetic white left and labor movement and the greedy white bourgeoisie. "When we speak of class struggle in the African world, we want to alert everyone that, as dialectical materialists, we are not looking into a world restricted be­tween the African petty bourgeoi­sie and the African working class. "Rather, we are looking at the sharpening class struggles between these two forces as part of all other social conflicts that are all concen­trated in the colonial ques­tion as expressed between oppressor and oppressed nations. "We are not liquidating or ignoring in any way the respective secondary con­flicts that exist on either side of the main irreconcilable conflicts between these two types of antagonistic na­tions in the world. "Since the late 1920s during the height and downfall of the interna­tional movement of Marcus Garvey to the rise and de­struction of black national liberation struggles in the 1960s, the African working class has never led the na­tional liberation struggles in its own name or for its own selfish class interests. The class struggle has been a fierce one. "Recall Marcus Gar­vey and W.E.B. Dubois or Patrice Lumumba and Moise Tshombe. In both cases, the for­mer represented the African work­ing and poor peasant classes and the latter the represented the Afri­can petty bourgeoisie. "These class struggles were never characterized as struggles between socialism and capital­ism. Nevertheless, the experience was always a struggle against co­lonialism, the immediate form of capitalism. "The creation of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) is an important development in this struggle. It marks a new phase in the history of the African proletar­iat—the creation of a political party for black power and African work­ing class rule." uhurunews/story?resource_name=class-struggle-in-the-african-world-imperialist-wars-to-maintain-status-quo-are-part-of-class-struggles
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 14:39:26 +0000

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