“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who - TopicsExpress


“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” ……Confucius (September 28, 551 BC - 479 BC; K’ung-tze/ K’ung-fu-tze, in local vernaculars) – the leading Chinese thinker and social philosopher of the Spring-and-Autumn Period (770 BC - 481 BC) in Chinese history, and also the founder of Confucianism faith ______________________________ CONFUCIUS – a summary Confucius was born in 551 BC in or near the city of Qufu, in the then state of Lu (on Shandong peninsula in northeastern China), into a poor but noble (warrior) family that had fallen on hard times. His father Shulianghe had military exploits in two battles and owned a fiefdom, and the available records reveal that Confucius was born as a result of illicit affair ! He was born with the family name Kung, but the respect he gained for his teachings led to his being referred to as “Grand Master” Kung – or K’ung-tze/ K’ung-fu-tze. His name was in fact much later Latinized by the early Jesuit missionaries into Confucius. When just 3-year-old, Confucius lost his father and was brought up in poverty by his mother. His social ascendancy connected him to the growing class of shì – a class in then Chinese hierarchy whose status lay between that of the old nobility and the common people fighting for social positions on the basis of mere talents and skills, rather than inheritance. As a child, Confucius was known to discard formal procedures. From early childhood he showed a great aptitude for study. He married a young girl named Qi Guan at 19 and had first child, Kong Li (a son) a year later, earning livelihood variously as a shepherd, clerk and book-keeper. Subsequently he had two daughters, one of whom died when she was quite young. In his 22nd year of age, Confucius started his career as a public teacher, and his house became a gathering place for the young people wishing to learn from the lessons of the past. He was concerned with opening up education to all, with a stress on character-building rather than money-earning. Confucius lost his mother when 23. In fact, he loved his mother so dearly that he did observe the (then prevalent Chinese) customary ritual of 3-year-long grief for the loss of his mother ! With his determination and hard work, Confucious did rise slowly but surely in social ladder to be the Justice Minister in Lu (the then Chinese state of his birth) at the age of 53. Enviable governance and social reforms of Lu got the neighboring state of Qi anxious and worried about the rising power of Confucius’s state. Qi decided to sabotage Lus reforms by sending 100 fine horses and 80 stunning dancing-girls to the heady ruler of Lu, who indulged himself thereafter in pleasure overlooking governance. Deeply-disappointed Confucius resolved to leave Lu and seek better opportunities. Yet he knew that his sudden resignation would expose ruler’s misdeeds causing public humiliation to the ruler he was serving. Thus, he decided to wait for a (publically-ignorable) excuse. Later thus when the ruler neglected to send to Confucius a portion of the sacrificial meat that was latter’s due according to the prevalent ritual, Confucius seized this pretext to quit both his post and the state of Lu. Afterwards, Confucius undertook a long set of journeys around the small kingdoms of northeast and central China expounding his political beliefs. For thirteen years, accompanied by faithful followers, he went from one state to another, seeking a ruler who would listen to his teachings. More than once he came across the risk of being killed by his enemies, but his confidence in his mission kept him going. Finally, he returned home in Lu when 68, where he spent the last five years of his life encouraging others to study and practice virtue as he also scripted a set of texts called “The Five Classics” to transmit his virtuous wisdom. He died in the year 479 BC, at the age of 73. His life almost exactly coincided with the Buddha, who had died two years earlier at the age of 80. Confucius lived in times when there was constant warfare between neighboring states and local warlords had little concern for the high moral principles enunciated by an itinerant teacher. While his goal was to bring peace and order to states, his words had little effect during his lifetime. His ideas subsequently became the foundation for most of the concern for humanity found in subsequent Chinese philosophy. Unfortunately, his name has often been used as a cloak for despotic rule, by a false analogy between a dictator and the head of a family. Confucius argued that acting according to our humanity provides a true path through life. When asked for a rule of conduct, Confucius asked, “Is not reciprocity such a word? What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” He taught letters, ethics, devotion of soul, and truthfulness, and was said to be entirely free from foregone conclusions, arbitrary predetermination, obstinacy, and egoism. Confucius did not talk about extraordinary things, feats of strength, disorder, or spiritual beings. When asked about death, he replied “While you do not know life, how can you know about death?” He urged the practice of gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. His philosophy or Confucianism is a mosaic of moral, social, political, and religious teaching built up by Confucius and the ancient Chinese traditions. Its objective is making not only the man virtuous, but also making him the man of learning and of good manners. The perfect man must combine the qualities of a saint, scholar, and gentleman. Confucianism is a faith whose worship is associated with making offerings to the dead. Its notion of duty is extended beyond the boundaries of morals and embraces the details of daily life. _________________________________ By AVDHESH SHUKLA
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 15:33:00 +0000

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