“The mind has the amazing ability with true focus to only see - TopicsExpress


“The mind has the amazing ability with true focus to only see what it wants to see through the eyes of perception, this is about beauty. Beauty by definition is the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit, loveliness, beautiful person or thing especially a beautiful woman, a particularly graceful, ornamental, or excellent quality, a brilliant, extreme, or egregious example or instance. Now with that said the perception of beauty differs though the mind of the beholder. What is the most amazing example to one person may to another be something that does not even catch their eyes at all. There is a natural beauty to the simplest things in life if you look through the right mindset. From a simple breeze that pulls the heat from your body and releases it into the atmosphere to a flower that makes its way to life in the middle of a sidewalk. Life puts these things around us to lose ourselves in when the world we live in becomes too much to handle. Beauty is often ignored in most things from the society’s breakdown of what is really supposed to be meaningful in life. I tend to find myself more focused on the beauty than the society. Something as simple as talking to someone that normally would not be noticed in this cruel world and simply saying hi and offering a smile to lift their spirit is beauty. Taking our precious time out of our lives and spending it helping someone that God puts in front of us is beauty. Understanding and acceptance for all things in existence is beauty. Though these are actions that could easily be taking in everyone’s everyday life we tend to lean more to the introverted ways of not being of any assistance to others what so ever. We tend to lose ourselves in a goal oriented life that leaves us feeling somewhat empty at the end of the day. The truly outstanding examples of beauty are the ones that give everything and have little. There are many levels to a beautiful person and the most common example is of the physical nature. Physical beauty is only aesthetically pleasing and does not truly capture the full definition of the word. If you only looked at a red rose that truly is a vibrant example of the ability to please the visual senses you would only see the amazing beauty you would never be able to truly understand the ability of such a creation to overpower the senses as would a room full of them that would not only be an amazing sight but fill it with aroma. If you only saw it and smelled it you would never be able to bring to mind the soft touch that comes with the slow caress of it moving across your skin. Even more so than the personal benefit of the rose you can have such an emotional fulfillment from presenting them to another soul and gain the personal satisfaction knowing that the enjoyment of it has passed through you to lift up another. Deeper still yet the fact that the person that you benefited from the gift of the rose passes that day with a feeling of happiness that transcends not only in them but they pass it on to others they come into contact with throughout their day. Now that is the true beauty that can exist in the mind of the right beholder that is selfless enough to look not only at the surface of anything in this world and let the greater meanings guide their actions in life. There are so many things in this life that if you just change your perception of through a deeper thought process or even through prayer or meditation you can change not only yourself but everything around you and its meaning. A more beautiful life has never existed than your own if you just allow the beauty within to guide your actions in all that you do. Understand that there are ways to see past everyday issues and leave them behind if you just focus your mind on the vastness of what we all have around us. No longer should the shallowness inside us be the main drive in our life, no longer shall we look through the eyes of ignorance and forget the greatness of what we can possess if we just forget about everything and take a second look. The astounding part about the perception of beauty from the senses to the deepest thoughts in your mind it is the root that grows into a love that heals and saves us all.” zhoods “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” Confucius “To love beauty is to see light.” Victor Hugo
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 04:05:04 +0000

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