The misrepresentation of Eve broke the hedge. Permit me to digress - TopicsExpress


The misrepresentation of Eve broke the hedge. Permit me to digress a little. When Satan had a dialogue with God as regards Job, Satan reply was that, Hedge was around Job that was his protection. When Job weakness (Job 1:5.) that was hidden in his strength gave way, the hedge was broken and Satan was able to wreck havoc in Jobs life and the rest is history. Job 1:10-12. Back to the question: How did Adam and Eve broke the hedge around them? This emboldens Satan to wreck the havoc that is in greater magnitude than that of Job. Without any iota of doubt, the hedge around the first creation of God Adam and Eve is fortified more than that of Job or anyone else thereafter exception of ‘second Adam’ Jesus Christ. The serpent cast doubt on God’s word with his first words. “Indeed has God said….? Gen. 3:1. This is the first step in producing addition and subtraction of Gods words. Remember Deut.4:2. Eve responds to the serpent but changes the word of God given to Adam in Genesis 2:6-17 Since God’s command to Adam to keep the Garden was given to him before Eve was made (Gen.2:16,22), we can assume that Adam told Eve what his instruction had been. There is no reason to assume that Adam altered the words from God in any way. In her conversation with serpent, Eve changes God’s word in three places: She omits the words ‘any’ and ‘freely’ from 2:16 She refers to the forbidden tree by location instead of by what it is. She changes “tree of knowledge of good and evil”, Gen.2:17, to “tree which is in the midst of the garden” Gen.3:3. She adds the phrase, “You shall not touch it,” Gen.3:3 So Eve misrepresented the instructions of God that she received through Adam. The hedge was broken by her act of addition and subtraction of Gods words. Deut. 4:2. The serpent, (having more confidence to proceed by Eve’s misrepresentation?), then directly contradicted God’s word and impugns God’s motives, also in three places, 3: 4-5. “You will not die,” Gen. 3:4. “Your eyes will be opened” 3:5 “For God knows… you will be like God,” 3:5 Eve listened to the serpent’s words, rejected God’s proclamation, and decided for herself that the tree was desirable, 3:6. Eve gave the fruit to Adam that was with her and he ate, Gen. 3:6. Maybe, because she did not fall and die immediately. Sin separates us from God and Satan takes charge and wreck havoc. Lesson to be learnt:” The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy” John 10:10. Satan succeeded in stealing the grace from Adam and Eve when she twist Gods words. They became bodily conscious and easy prey to kill by Satan when they ate the fruit. Satan ultimate aim is to destroy souls of sinners in the lake of fire. Ezekiel 18:20. Various names have been given to sin. Some call it mistake or failure while some call it weakness. Whatever name you want to cal it, sin is sin. Sin is simply means disobedience to the Almighty God. Our sure advocate is Jesus Christ the Redeemer that lives evermore. Culled from Bro. Allen Oluyisola Sunday School teaching @ RCCG Rehoboth parish, October 27th, 2013.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 13:28:34 +0000

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