The moon entered its home turf of Cancer early this morning, - TopicsExpress


The moon entered its home turf of Cancer early this morning, putting us in a sentimental mood. While the moons here, we get domestic, call our moms, reminisce with old friends and visit childhood memories. Its that time of the month to get mushy and nostalgic over the old photo album and throw a backyard BBQ to the soundtrack of our youth. Theres a tendency to get over emotional but three planets in pussycat Leo have us looking on the bright side, ready for fun. Also mercury in Virgo is too busy with practical matters to allow time out for a good cry. We can acknowledge our feelings as long as we dont get pulled out to sea. Tomorrow is anxious as the moon gets in a slapping match with mean Pluto and cray cray Uranus. Things can get intense under the surface as well as Pluto also pushes Venus buttons in the wrong way. Luckily quick thinking Mercury in Virgo jumps in with a supportive trine to Pluto, that skillfully analyzes the root of our inner melt downs so were able to talk ourselves off the ledge. Although the moon is strongest in Cancer, our energies are a tad lower since its right before the New Moon. The signs Cancer, Leo and Virgo are signs that rule Summer so here is Cancer Chris Isaac with a perfectly summer song.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 02:18:44 +0000

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