The moral of the story is that frequentism and Science do not mix. - TopicsExpress


The moral of the story is that frequentism and Science do not mix. Let me say it directly: you should be suspicious of the use of frequentist confidence intervals and p-values in science. In a scientific setting, confidence intervals, and closely-related p-values, provide the correct answer to the wrong question. In particular, if you ever find someone stating or implying that a 95% confidence interval is 95% certain to contain a parameter of interest, do not trust their interpretation or their results. If you happen to be peer-reviewing the paper, reject it. Their data do not back-up their conclusion. Post em 4 partes (com códigos em Python) explicando uma discussão mais velha que o Niemeyer. O trecho foi tirado da parte 3, serve pra motivar polêmica mesmo.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 03:17:58 +0000

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