The more live food we eat, the more biophoton energy we have, and - TopicsExpress


The more live food we eat, the more biophoton energy we have, and biophotons communicate with other biophotons. The increased biophotons in our organism from the live foods are enhancing our conscious communication with the greater biophoton energy field in a way that we feel more conscious of it, when we eat at least 80% live foods. The field is always there. There are no directions and no goal here; it’s simply to wake up to what’s already there. We cannot attain what we already are. The good news is, we also can’t lose what we never had. What we are doing when we’re eating live foods is opening up the avenues of what we call “spiritual” connection to the greater whole, so we can more easily feel the oneness. Duality/nonduality—all that ends! We’re just one. And in that one, there’s the Particular (the individual body-mind-I Am complex called the personality) manifesting, and there’s the Nothing manifesting. This is what the Kabbalists have talked about for years. The b’li’mah, the Nothing, and the mah, the Something—the b’li’mah and the mah. Were following what people have known for thousands of years. We are that flame that burns as the dance between the b’li’mah and the mah. People are still arguing, “are we the nothing, or are we the something?” We’re both simultaneously, and we always have been both simultaneously. Because our perception is limited, we don’t get it, and we can only philosophize about it until we’ve had the direct experience. However, breaking through into this deeper understanding does get easier. This is the good news: it gets easier. Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD Creating Peace by Being Peace Dr. Cousens leads another 21-Day Transformation Program beginning October 25th!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 07:00:49 +0000

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