The most epic English teacher, I would make. Lesson Plan Title- - TopicsExpress


The most epic English teacher, I would make. Lesson Plan Title- Learning the Elements of a Story Through Music Objectives- After completing this lesson, the student will be able to find the five elements of a story in music. Discipline and Topic- This lesson topic is English/Liberal Arts and can be used in an English class as a fun activity that is engaging. This lesson is very adaptable to any grade level above 8th. (for more advanced classes, don’t let them take notes while listening, use different songs for different cultures, less advanced classes could be allowed to follow along with the lyrics on a handout or take notes during listening, multiple listenings, etc.) Target Population- This lesson can be used for any high school English class, and would be appropriate in many college level English classes. It could also be adapted easily for a lower grade level by changing songs around. Some of the songs contain expletives, and can be replaced with other songs if this is an issue. Anything from the rhyme “Ring Around the Rosie” to Slayer’s “Dead Skin Mask” can be used in this lesson and it will maintain its’ quality and integrity. Curriculum Links- This is an exercise that will gain student’s interest in literature and also fulfill Grade 9 writing standard 2 ( Media Literacy Objectives- This lesson focuses on listening. The student must listen well to the sound file and be able to take information from it. This will help prepare for the listening part of the NYS English regent. Students will also be encouraged to have a more mature view on media and understand that there is much deeper value in many forms of media. Materials Description and Timing- Pen/pencil, paper Links to these videos include lyrics, only for your reference. The student will hear only the sound, depending on if the course is adapted for a lower level or not. If needed, the screen can be minimized for sound only. The choices are meant to be varied, classic songs as well as new ones, with differing styles Miley Cyrus- Wrecking Ball- Conflict youtube/watch?v=y35RAS7kht8 Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake- Holy Grail- Characterization youtube/watch?v=eRD7O4AtRzA Meatloaf- Paradise By The Dashboard Light- Setting youtube/watch?v=nnjV7qIPVsA O.A.R.- That was a Crazy Game of Poker- Plot youtube/watch?v=kvlQgh7aDDA Iron Maiden- Run To The Hills- Theme youtube/watch?v=nTNULm8n4J4 Scope and Sequence- Steps- 1. Teach/refresh what the 5 elements of a story are. katiekazoo/pdf/KK_FiveEssentialElements.pdf This graphic can be used to introduce them. As it is gone through, after each point, discuss the point and ask the students to give them examples from their favorite media or give your own. 2. Introduce the songs in the order above, play them, and have the students write what they hear is most important. For each song, after it is played, students will write down what they think of the assigned element and try to identify it. (To be clear, the students are told to look for conflict in Wrecking ball, etc., but not what it is. They will figure that part out.) Afterwards, short class discussion. a. Conflict- Wrecking Ball- Miley Cyrus- It is important to have relevant new media and mixed with older and different styles so it gives all students something they can “attach” to. Play the song, depending on the class level, they can take notes, then have them write out the conflict, discuss it. The conflict is some variation of “Two lovers have a love/hate relationship. She wanted him and he hurt her.” b. Characterization- Holy Grail- Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake- Characterization of paparazzi as ruthless, he can’t even take a walk to the corner without seeing them. Blatantly, characterization happens in the chorus, when the line “one day you’re screaming you love me loud, the next day you’re so cold.” is said, characterizing the target as waffling on their relationship. c. Setting- Paradise By The Dashboard Light- Meatloaf- This is a long song, only the first minute is necessary for this one, because the setting is clear and in the beginning. d. That was a Crazy Game of Poker- O.A.R.- Plot- First two minutes only. The plot is a variation of “The narrator has a good hand but loses anyway, he is down on his luck, and a man walks in he thinks is a cop and he gets scared. He lost all his money, but he will keep playing (who’s up for game two?) to get it back. The chorus- he is surprised at the intensity of the poker game.” e. Run to the Hills- Iron Maiden- Theme- The theme of the song is basically cowboys vs. Indians. The beginning outlines the invasion of America from the Native American’s point of view, while the second half is from the European Settler’s point of view. 3. Later lessons with more complexity (there wouldn’t be enough time for what’s here in a 45 minute lesson, maybe an hour’s worth.) could include not writing until afterwards, or asking specific questions. 4. Wrap up with 2 questions for homework- Provide a song to find all 5 elements in, and let them choose a song/s for themselves. -Choose a song/songs that have all five elements (If you choose a song and it doesn’t have all five elements, that’s ok, pick another and keep going until you covered all five elements.) -Listen to Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Iron Maiden. You will be able to find all of the five elements in this one. It is a particularly long song, so you may listen with the lyrics in front of you or just examine the lyrics. (This is a segue into reading, you know, actual literature.) This lesson concludes with the idea given to the students that any media can have these points, commercials, podcasts, songs, books, etc. Supplemental Materials- Other materials include almost any song. A student will have a new perspective on music and hopefully naturally want to analyze music as they would literature, granting practice that is fun and will build on other English topics. Evaluation of Students- Criteria Good Satisfactory Poor Completion All five elements, both songs. - Less than an attempt at all ten elements. Correctness Student appropriately identifies and explains all ten elements Student correctly Identifies or explains 6/10 elements Student correctly identifies or explains less than 6/10 elements In class Student in handed in paper at the end of class has 4/5 acceptable explanations Student in handed in paper at the end of class has 3/5 acceptable explanations and has made an attempt at the others Student in handed in paper at the end of class has 2/5 or less acceptable explanations and has made no attempt at the others Evaluation of Lesson- The lesson being a success depends on how well the students fulfilled the rubric. Rational for using the medium- I used this because English skills and listening skills are so important and lacking in the world today, and this exercise will make it much more interesting and hopefully something the students want to do on their own, and is also intensive and can b used for multiple grade levels and have the same effect.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 22:52:43 +0000

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