The most important duty of government is to preserve the safety of - TopicsExpress


The most important duty of government is to preserve the safety of our country and its citizens, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Wednesday afternoon when he emerged to talk about the Sydney siege that left two innocent, vibrant people dead at the hands of a nut job. “I say to every Australian: this government will never let you down,” he said. ‘This government will never let you down.” It was a statement that struck an odd chord after traumatic days for Sydneysiders. It seemed even stranger at the end of a political year best defined by a spectacular breach of trust with voters. It may have been provoked by the best of paternal sentiments and ambitions on the Prime Minister’s part. But events in Martin Place had just powerfully demonstrated that it is not always within the scope of government to protect its citizens from the acts of madmen, whether they are officially designated terrorists or not. At a broader level, the pledge that the government would “never let you down” came at the end of the Year of the Great Political Disappointment.For Coalition supporters, in particular, the sense of disappointment in the government, but particularly in Tony Abbott, has been profound. “I just thought they would be better and that he would not just be better than Gillard, but even better than a lot of the other Liberals”, was a sentiment expressed on a number of occasions in the last couple of months in haunts that would normally be prime Coalition heartland. What Australian voters have got instead of a better government is the spectre of a government locked in a spectrum in which it can only define itself by its opponents. It is defensive when it is not being incompetently aggressive. The Prime Minister’s message on Wednesday about the Martin Place siege was all about how it was not the federal government’s fault, and neither was it the fault of the Coalition government in NSW. “This is a government which has responded very fully to the threat of terror in our country,” Abbott said opening his press conference. “We’ve responded very fully at home and abroad and part of that response has been renewing our faith in our police and security agencies, renewing our commitment to police and security agencies that had not always been as well funded as perhaps they should’ve been. “We’ve boosted funding for our police and security agencies by $630 million over the four year period, we’ve strengthened agencies’ powers, we’ve passed legislation to deal better with foreign fighters and we’ve got metadata legislation before the Parliament which is critically important.” Of course, he conceded there were “some obvious questions” in the wake of “this terrorist incident”.Glaring disconnect These obvious questions included how the perpetrator got permanent residency; had been on welfare for so many years; and had managed to get a gun licence (a subsequently disputed assertion). These questions, along with the most obvious question of how the perpetrator had been granted bail while facing grave criminal charges, will be the subject of an official review. But in everything the Prime Minister said there seemed a glaring disconnect between his defence – against possible attack – of vigorous action, and the fact that bad stuff still happens. But what the community wants to hear in such circumstances is not an alibi but a plan for what to do next. A broader perpetual search for an alibi sees an exhausted government, shocked by just how hard government has proved to be, finish the year framed by messages that don’t add up. Take the mid-year review of the budget released in the shadow of the Sydney siege. It was an exercise in truly masterful political messaging that saw Treasurer Joe Hockey issue a press release, and get through an entire press conference, without actually describing the outcome of the mid-year review as a deficit blowout. In fact, Hockey mentioned the deficit word a total of just four times in his press release and subsequent press conference. Even then he used it only in sentences such as “rather than never ending deficits, the budget is on track for a credible surplus”. The government would “continue to be disciplined on spending”. “Our response to the current economic challenges is not to spent more money but to spend what we have carefully”, he said. Really? The central argument now being put forward in defending the deficit blowout that dare not speak its name is that the government is not going to “chase down” a collapse in revenue that is the cause of the widening deficit. Further, it is not going to endanger confidence and activity by tightening fiscal policy. Yet today’s graphs show how confused are the signals on government policy. The graph on the structural surplus, for example, shows the cash deficit in uncanny parallel with the structural deficit, which leaves both a question about where the supposed cyclical influence on the budget may be, and raises questions about why we should assume the structural deficit will wind back towards surplus in the next couple of years. The graph on policy decisions since 2009-10 also raises questions. For it shows policy decisions added $13.7 billion to the deficit at the time of the 2013 MYEFO; subtracted $17.5 billion in the May budget, and added another $4 billion in this year’s MYEFO. The net result? For all the pain and angst, the outcome of all the decisions in the past year has actually been to add $200 million to the bottom line over four years. How this squares with Hockey’s assertion that “we have made a good start to fixing the budget” is not clear. The government argues the figures have been hit by a $9 billion payment to the Reserve Bank and by Senate obstruction. The figures also do not include the future benefits of compensation for the mining tax washing out of the system. But these are the sorts of decisions that crop up in government. And it is ultimately the duty of government to steer a confident path through such challenges.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:20:31 +0000

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