The most of this starts in early June, when Mom was discharged - TopicsExpress


The most of this starts in early June, when Mom was discharged from the hospital and transferred to a rehabilitation center She must have been exposed to C-diff bacteria on the first day. I gave her my customary kiss goodnight on her forehead which is all I ever give these days. The next day I came down with stomach cramps and diarrhea. I went to my GP the very next day and she started me on Bactrim as soon as I explained what had happened. A few days later all the diarrhea and upset tummy was gone. I took probiotics all along, but I still got a Hellaciois yeast infection on the outside of my body . This was another big surface almost as large as my current rash, but concentrated along my bikini line. After not even bothering to making sure it was yeast, my doc prescribed diflucan 150mg and two courses, wow, is that stuff ever strong! I swear I could feel those beasties dying and jumping off into my waste system.. Well, I took all the diflucan and the ryeast rash went away. Yesterday, the Candida fought back with a new, bigger, hotter, inflamed rash right over my new incision.. And it hurts like Hell.its celulitis I cant figure out exactly when I picked this up. I started having a fever of 102 and so went to the doctors on Thursday. Today is the third day with these generic antibiotics. Every one I talk asks why Bactrim?? I have no idea, but this is my second course in two weeks...sigh...The red places still hurt like Hell...But it is improv Since they put me on the Bactrim it has been getting better. I know I wont hear anything from the doc about the blood tests until Monday after the holiday. Ive heard both shingles and cellulitis from a lot of folks, but it doesnt hurt as bad as I have heard shingles does, at least not now when it appears to be starting to heal. No blisters or broken skin on any of the places in that spot. A couple of weeks ago I got a bad infection which I thought must have been the c.diff Mom wound up with later that week. I kept giving her little kisses on her forehead which apparently was not safer than kissing her on the lips. Anyway, the first time they gave me a round of antibiotics..Bactrim..and the problems all went away. A few days later I presented with a horrible red, blotchy rash all over the top of my left leg,hip, bikini area nothing around the triangle....or inside. This happened to be exactly where my incision area on my left hip will they moved the operation to the next available spot which was August 4 . What the hell is going on with my system? I totally buy the idea that it is stress. I just realised that I repeated everything Id already told you...oops...I must check my temperature...perhaps I am delirious again. HELP PLEASE...dear healer folk. SEND HEALING ENERGY!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 14:11:11 +0000

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