The mysterious map of Piri Rice Piri reis world map 01 - TopicsExpress


The mysterious map of Piri Rice Piri reis world map 01 In Istanbuls Topkapi Palace there is a piece of gazelle skin, which gives peace of many people. It is 16. century and on it was painted map. Clearly see the outline of West Africa, the Atlantic Ocean and the eastern part of South America. The mystery begins here below. For downward, i.e. south coast continues. So is the south that bunch experts say: This is Antarctica! But it first must be green, not ice-bound, and secondly, let us recall that the icy continent was discovered only in 1820 How in the 16th century could have been aware of its existence that can draw in it as without its icy shell? According to some geologists northern coast of Antarctica (Antarctic Peninsula and Dronning Maud Land, regarded as Norwegian territory) could be seen without ice last about 10000-14000 BC (Early Holocene in which we live today) until around 4000 BC (Approx. then occurred a cold snap). Whether in the development of the card is not involved, though in absentia, highly unknown ancient civilization (or even aliens)? But let us see the history row. In 1929, Turkish historians find in the library of the Topkapi this exciting spirits card. Studies show that it is true and was established in 1513 by the famous admiral of the Turkish fleet of 16. century Piri Rice. Cartography was his weakness, he drew many maps. In remarks on the skin Rice has described that for this particular information is taken from the other 20 cards, one of them made by Christopher Columbus and Portuguese sailors, and some very old - Claudius Ptolemy and the time of Alexander of Macedonia. The retention piece is part of a map of the whole world, but the other half seems to be lost. If the message of the finding appears in The Illustrated London News, dozens of historians and cartographers ears pricked. On the one hand, this is one of the oldest maps showing America on the other - growing hope to be discovered centuries sought missing maps Columbus. Few Americans take to explore unique. Professor Charles Hapgood Keene College is extremely diligent and reaches the astonishing conclusion: that this and other maps of that time the theory to have existed up to now unknown civilization. In his mathematical calculations and the accuracy of the map of Piri Rice much superior tools with which society has had at that time. Hapgood sends a request to the Air Command of the U.S. assessment on the map of the Turkish admiral. Heres the response received on July 6, 1960: We share your view that the bottom of the map depicts Princess Martha Coast of Queen Maud Land and the Antarctic Peninsula. We believe that the most likely interpretation of this card is logical and correct. Geographical details in the bottom of the map surprisingly coincide with the seismic profile made by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of the coast of Antarctica in 1949 This means that the coastline is mapped before icing. Currently the ice in this area is 1500 m thick. For us it is inexplicable how the geographical knowledge of the 1513 map may contain data. Colonel Harold Olmeyar. Behind the sober tone of Olmeyar shines sensation: if the map of the Earth Queen Maud was made before it is covered by ice, this happened a long time ago. But when? Antarctic ice sheet numb back some 30 million years! Some new research geologists, however, argue that the warming period - between 14,000 and 4,000 BC border areas as mentioned above may have been exposed. So it would be possible then someone has charted the southernmost continent. But who? No advanced civilization known from this period. Hapgood built following theory: maps of Piri Rice that has been collected information have been prepared by an unknown civilization transmitted by the ancient Minoans and Phoenicians, skilled sailors, the people of the nation. There are claims that these cards were placed in the Library of Alexandria, there were brought to Constantinople, and then fell into the hands of European explorers. Most were of the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Others, however, depicted the Americas, the Arctic and Antarctic. From this it is clear that ancient sailors unknown porous water from pole to pole. There is no evidence, but it seems they have reached the coast of Antarctica at the time when it was not covered with ice, says Hapgood. American believes that these people have navigation tools with which to measure longitude, which are superior in accuracy all known devices of antiquity and the Middle Ages. In order to ascertain the need for advanced mathematical knowledge map and Hapgood sent Richard Strachan from MIT. He replies in 1965 that the mathematical level must have been very high in order to make as accurate a map. Years earlier - in 1953, and a Turkish officer sends a map of Rice in the U.S. for evaluation - In the Hydrographic Department of the Navy. Expert Arlington Mallory found that the data are correct, but are not mapped to the right places. Together with his colleague Walters prepare network and transferred the creation of Piri Rice on Globe result was sensational again: according to Mallory cartels is absolutely accurate. He believes that it may be made solely on the basis of data collected from above - from an airplane, for example. The card is 11 thousand years ago, says the expert when Antarctica and South America were still connected. But according to the history of the world, they are separated by 30 million years. And what aircraft before 11 thousand years? Based on these studies and the fact that on the map of Piri Rice suffer not only the outlines of the continents, but also mountains, peaks, rivers, plains, the famous Swiss writer - science fiction, Erich von Daniken also concluded that they were prepared at least 10 thousand years ago with the most modern technical means and from a great height, from aircraft or even satellite. The map of Piri Rice confirmation of my theory of visitors from outer space.s Clear to me: Aliens have mapped our planet from orbital stations Give the cards to one of our ancestor during his visit to Earth and they have survived for millennia kept as sacred relics. Finally ended up in the hands of Admiral circumspect. On such a view is prehistory researcher Robert Sharu. Other experts argue that the leather map of Piri Rice contains many inaccuracies, bays and islands that are too big, there are non-existent (then and now) islands and some of the items in it are done twice in different places (such as Honduras and the Yucatan Peninsula). Discrepancies between 4 and 30 degrees in the location of individual points, says Austrian writer Walter Hein, who professionally investigate the history of the map of Piri Rice. Hein is known that debunks historical misconceptions. Historian Gregory McIntosh has the same opinion. There are many cards of this period, which are superior in accuracy to that of Rice. Diego Ribera maps of 1520 and 1530, that of Abraham Ortelius of 1570 and Edward Wright-Emery Molanou of 1599 ( the most best of 16. century ) are just a few prominent examples, says McIntosh. The biggest blow to the mystery, however, applied calculations suggest that administration of the Antarctic land is actually ... southern part of South America. Shes just curved right to collect on the skin. Indeed, when comparing the key points of the continent - as it seems now, those caused by Rice, they coincide (see illustration). Map of Piri Rice today engaged the minds of professionals and lovers of mysteries. Who will finally solve the mystery of a piece of skin from a gazelle? / / /
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 15:47:59 +0000

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