The name of this weeks Parsha is Chukat. There are 613 - TopicsExpress


The name of this weeks Parsha is Chukat. There are 613 mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah. They fall into one of three categories; Eidut, Mishpatim and Chukim. The mitzvot in the category of Eidut and Mishpatim are commandments whose reason was related to us or we ourselves can understand their reason, for they are logical mitzvot. But the mitzvot in the category of Chukim have no logical reason whatsoever. Or, their reason was not transmitted to us. G-d commanded us to observe them, without giving us any reason for them. Parshat Chukat begins with the mitzvah of Para Adumah (Red Heifer) whose ashes mixed with spring water were sprinkled upon one who became spiritually unclean through contact with a dead body. This mitzvah falls in the category of Chukah - mitzvot which have no logical reason. Although some parts of the mitzvah may be explained, however, in general it is a mitzvah with no rational explanation. We observe this category of mitzvot with pure faith, because G-d commanded us to do them. Parshat Chukat also contains the death of Moshes sister, Miriam. When Miriam passed away, the special well which accompanied the Jewish people throughout their 40 years in the desert stopped flowing. When the people realized that they had no water, they complained to Moshe and Aaron, Why did you bring us into this wilderness to die here? Why did you bring us out of Egypt to this evil place... there is no water to drink. G-d told Moshe, Take your rod and assemble the congregation; you and Aaron your brother, and speak to the rock before their eyes and it will give forth its water. Moshe gathered the people and addressed them, beginning with these words, Hear now you rebels .... Moshe then lifted up his hand and hit the rock with his rod twice; and water came forth abundantly and the congregation drank along with their cattle. Moshe and Aaron didnt speak to the rock as commanded, but hit it instead. G-d said, Because you didnt believe in Me to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them. Thus, G-d decreed that Moshe and Aaron would not enter the Promised Land. What caused Moshe to make this mistake? What is the lesson for us? This mistake came about as a result of Moshe becoming angry at the people. He lost his self control and forgot G-ds instructions. From this we see how destructive anger is. Even Moshe, the greatest leader of the Jewish people, forgot G-ds commandment, as a result of getting angry and was punished not to go into Israel. This teaches us how careful one must be not to get angry. Moshiach NOW!!!
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 03:19:44 +0000

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