The new age RELIGION is encouraged because it makes you into a - TopicsExpress


The new age RELIGION is encouraged because it makes you into a sheep, one who opts to ignore the problems of the world in the hope of some grand awakening to come in the future, if only everyone would convert to your religion. This is an excellent tool for groups like the CIA and KGB. As attested by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov, who was posted in India, and was sent to study the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi movement because of its powers of mind control and indoctrination and because it caused young people not to zone out and focus on utopian fantasies while they were being plundered by the international banking cartels. A perfect weapon indeed. Someone who is spaced out in their own little world all day and believing that the world is going to magically change into a utopia is a perfect way to divide up society and destroy familial bonds and economies! Just relax bro! Go live on a commune! Hm.. I wonder then why such an astronomical amount of communes imploded in one way or another and left everyone to find their own way. Perhaps its because of a crazy religion called the new age which indoctrinates its believers into believing that they are ascended masters, that all you need is love, and that liberalism (also, incidentally, tied to Commmunism) propounds that the world is heading towards a utopian future where everyone will hold hands and sing kumbaya? Perhaps. Perhaps its because this new age RELIGION wants to avoid negativity, projecting their own shortcomings and failings on negative people instead of actually approaching their inner demons face to face and meeting them with the supposed unconditional love that we keep hearing about? I dono.. But communes broke apart for the same reason why the new age movement has already broken apart, leaving behind only the fanatical true believers to carry on its message of utopia and peace on earth. Unfortunately, there isnt utopia, or peace on earth, but a very ugly reality, both outside, and inside, and hiding it behind kumbaya-speak only hastens the shadow growing inside new agers to keep them from actual enlightenment.. But Ill take it easy on people who are just investigating or getting into the new age religion, they have found something completely different from the dismal world that they are attempting to escape, and that former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov wanted them to escape. Because that dystopic world was created by the people who are trying to escape it themselves, a lot of us want to blame it on the illuminati, but they wouldnt have the power that they do without our consent, day to day. So talking about avoiding negative people, and how you are all star seeds and light workers, is proven to be about as strong a guard against the inner demons of the subconscious as a tiger made out of paper. One strong gust of wind and woosh, there goes the facade of love and light, Ive seen this happen personally a pathetically high number of times. Where someone who doesnt conform to the groupthink and newspeak of the New Age Order is cast out of the circle of unconditional love and labelled as negative. Thats a pretty profound inner psychosis, bordering on schizophrenia. The only way to confront negativity is to realize that the only one who can hold negativity is your own self. A wise teacher was once being hassled by a young student who thought they knew everything, insulting the teacher, debasing and mocking him, but the old wise teacher only asked the young pup, Tell me, if someone offers you a gift, and you dont accept it, to whom does it belong?, to which the puzzled student replied, Well, the person who gave the gift of course. The wise man said, well that is the same with the abuse that you hurl at me, I refuse to accept it, and it remains with you. Ill end this rant with an old video I made after certain realizations. https://youtube/watch?v=R28TH-lD1JE
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 18:52:12 +0000

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