The number 28: YOU CAN JUST KEEP SCROLLING> NOT INTERESTING AT ALL!! 1. I was born on 28th October 2. actually born on the day of the Blossom festival; Hence why my name is Blossom, so noo i was not named after power puff girls 3. I am currently being miss. independent in the big city of aukilaaagi :) 4. I love playing spot the brown person in town ... but reaaaally lmao 5. I like playing sport, people think I am gumby though . AWKS 6. Majority of the people either notice that I am really blonde or gullible.. 7. Full name is Faleatiu Blossom Sale 8. favourite colours ; blue and BLACK 9. I love being sociable.. not so much to snobby people hahaha i just take the piss... 10. Living without my parents is fun hahaha KIDDING .. I honestly miss them and miss their cooking as well as their loooove towards me .. FAV CHILD hahahahahaha ;) 11. I dislike being used and abused; not the greatest feeling hahahaha ! .. yeah i laugh at everything :D 12. I gotta say this is pretty long ... like my hair YAY lolls ... growing :) 13. I am one weird girl... hehehe I LOVE IT . dont judge me cos i wont care anyway ahahahaha! 14. UNI is great atm :) .. Im feeling pretty awesome right nooow .. 15. I like wearing lavalavas around the apartments.. i get the odd look but I DONT CAAARE hahahaha :D 16. I looove to LAUGH :D its the best thing to do whether youre in an awkward situation, serious situation, any situation really hahaha.. esp to break the tension lolls :P 17. I loove to perform .. esp in poly; hehe 18. on friday; was walking home after one of le friends birthday outings.. was like to a random car; hey you have music? *then i started dancing... NEK MINIT i hear see you at AUT on monday mean fail... 19. I have made a lot of new friends so happy :) 20. New place means new change in me :) hopefully that thigh gap though ahahahahaha buuut really ;) 21. this is waaay too long hahaha ... i made a bucket list haha its pretty funny. 22. I miss my old friends; and the hastings lingo.. none gets it up here .. all duuurr !!! 23. AWKWARD moments i looove and adore :) my best friend for life haha! 24. I cannot wait to visit my family back home; need to see the sheeps and cows!!! hahahaha 25. People here are totes different from home; crazy to think that auckland is like a home away from home! 26. I cannot cook; hahahhaa !! even greater we make our own food here ! hahahahaha ! :D 27. tbh; is an acronym that pees me off hahahaha !... they not only txt it up here but they also say it in PERSON ! omgee aucklanders; find some new lingo... mud is uuuggs too! hahahaha 28. my fav number :) the day I was born ... the day I made a difference to this world.. hahahahha buuut really LMFAO :D YOLO - your turns: Foga Ah Kiong Vaiusu Marion Swanney Iosefo Dyvine Ioane Caitlin Pavitt Sefo Tarewa Cowan You can all get the number 20 :) have fuuun ...
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 08:19:28 +0000

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