The official autopsy pictures of John F Kennedy is not pictures - TopicsExpress


The official autopsy pictures of John F Kennedy is not pictures taken of John F Kennedy, it is pictures taken of officer J D Tippit who was allegedly murdered by Lee harvey Oswald. Tippit was probably chosen long before the murder to be the autopsy stand-in for Kennedy in order for the conspirators to create a false reality. The person on the pictures from the official J D Tippit autopsy is probably a drifter or hobo who was to be the autopsy stand-in for Tippit, and who was picked-up on the street in another city far from Dallas by the conspirators . redicecreations/ul_img/17709jfk-tippit.jpg files.abovetopsecret/files/img/uk51ab992e.jpg lookbackpublications/images/j.d.tippit.72.jpg This is not Kennedy, this is officer J D Tippit. i217.photobucket/albums/cc151/David_Von_Pein/MISCELLANEOUS%20JFK-RELATED%20PHOTOS/JFK_Autopsy_Photo_2.jpg This is not Kennedy, this is officer J D Tippit. jackiekilledjfk.webs/Tippit%20autopsy.jpg This is not Kennedy, this is officer J D Tippit. The official autopsy photos are not consistent with the actual head-wound on Kennedy, do a comparison. The wound from the official autopsy pictures are above and behind the right ear at the back of the head, but the head-wound showing on the Zapruder film is clearly in front of the right ear in the frontal part of the head. The wound from the Zapruder film do not match the wound from the autopsy pictures. nogovernment.files.wordpress/2010/11/kennedy-headshot.jpg Tippit is Kennedy, Hobo is Tippit... Who is buried at Arlington..? . .
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 10:40:33 +0000

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