The one human family on earth Dear Friends, Namaskar - TopicsExpress


The one human family on earth Dear Friends, Namaskar Here is something special from someone who loves you: Imagine the position of our cosmos when the creation i.e. nature was not there. It was pure emptiness. We can also imagine that it was an infinite oneness. Then, this oneness created the celestial bodies like Sun, moon and stars. Our solar system has been also a part it. God created man in His own image. In other words, God himself became man. This first human being has been called the Crown of the Creation. The first man’s female companion was also created by God. Thus this couple became the perennial parents of the entire human population on our earth. The entirety of our cosmos is a Divine State. It is very creatively designed and meticulously managed. It has territory, population, government and sovereignty. It is a cosmic administrative setup. The worldly States have derived their political systems from this original State. However, the Divine State does not ever interfere in the affairs of the worldly States, nor asserts itself. It only wishes that all worldly States should take care of its citizens’ welfare and happiness and all people on earth should live on the basis of peaceful coexistence. Here, our attention is naturally drawn to early days of humanity on earth when it used to live together and it had just one language of communication. After some Divine incident, our ancestors scattered and diffused all over the earth just because the humanity was subjected to many different languages without a common first or second language. Consequently, the succeeding generations forgot their common origin and seemingly became different races, nations and communities. The high level of development of communication and international travel-technologies is already paving the way for re-uniting the scattered humanity into a well-knit single family. Among all sub-races and segments of homo-sapiens over the globe, there is a coded commonality. This is an active or inactive feeling of affinity in every human-being for members of all other sub-races of the human species. This is irrespective of consideration of color, culture, civilization, country or continent. Even the most barbaric, primitive or undeveloped races possess this inherent likeness or agreement or close resemblance or connection. This marvelous natural mental faculty could be in a state of rest or inactivity or lying in abeyance. Love means liking somebody, caring for him, helping him, and making him happy and prosperous; doing all this without any worldly motive. Compassion is elevation of love to a state where one’s mind melts into taking care of others even at the cost of one’s own comforts. Mercy is when you totally ignore the faults and vices of others and still enthusiastically help them with love. Sweet, gentle and affectionate language is to be demonstrated in all walks of life and is to be sincerely used for one’s own and others’ happiness. With regards, Yours truly, H.S. Nirman
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 14:07:07 +0000

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