The only meaning and interpretation things have are the ones we - TopicsExpress


The only meaning and interpretation things have are the ones we give it...When doing certain things that are out of alignment with our true state,or when met with lower vibrations either in other people or events, what matters is how balanced we are within ourselves. Spirituality is often deemed what is positive and what benefits us,but true spirituality is being able to experience everything good or bad and being able to remain true to your true state...Isolating ourselves from the darker sides of lifes experiences shelters us from gaining true experience and we get a scewed view of not only who we are,but what this life is truly about...The more we expose ourselves to the myriad of expressions on this planet the better we can handle what life will throw at us,because there wont always be bright days, there wont always be positive experiences, but there will be growth from them all, more or less dependending on how you respond to what is going on...So many hide their dark side and neglect their dark experiences as they think they are being out of alignment with true spirituality, but its really not the way to go about things. Others dwell in their dark stuff thinking that its the way to get things over with quicker. But both are out of balance. All focus on the light or all focus on the dark will bring us out of balance...Life is all about balance and balance is something that will be forced upon us if we are out of balance. It will restore itself whether we like to or not. Any resistance to balance will eventually make us imbalanced, such as dis- ease, disharmonious existence and disbelief...Acceptance and allowance and understanding of our situation and surroundings will give us peace and the ability to remain centered in challenges. Yes,every negatively deemed experience is a challenge for us to see how well we cope, respond and how fast we can get back to center. Throughout my life there has been so many challenges I cant even count them,so much so it put me in deep states of depression, but after every dark night, the sun rose to shine light on my experiences and for every positive thing removed another even more positive thing or event took its place. I was never one to have much faith in God,I knew the YOUniverse had a consciousness that was neutral and it was my responds-ability what I made of it all...But I was not very happy with what I produced of results from my experiences so I became self loathing and discontent with the world. Eventually I made myself very very sick. This sickness was truly a gift for me to isolate myself from the world and get to know myself better. I spent 3 years completely alone,with alopecia universalis (complete hairloss), daily heartburn,agoraphobia,panic attacks and deep paranoia due to kundalini syndrome and a background in drug addiction. I only had contact with my closest family during this time and once every other month one or two friends,but I often had to go home much earlier than planned to be in peace and try to find my center. Even with this deep paranoia,I entered you tube and facebook in 2010 to find like-minded,did research after having read about Indigos and Starseeds and the awakening. It was to be a great time of immense growth and expansion. With every bit of information I found,I grew stronger in my center. Realizing the medical community did not have my best interest at heart and I had to be my own doctor if I was to get well...With therapy and exposure to my fears one by one, I got rid of my mental imbalances as well as my physical imbalances and within a two year timeframe I had regained my lifeforce. Nothing ever worth having comes easy. I have walked to hell and back again and found my soul family (starfamily) and homestar in the process...But most of all I found me, my strength and perseverance. And no one can take that away from me. I own my story now. I rewrote the script over and over...Its easy for people to envy when things go well, but if they knew the work behind every reward and the suffering it took to get here and they would have to walk even half a mile in those shoes they would not want it...Everything has its price and we should be very willing to pay it, if we want to gain what others have gained. We are quick to blame, label and even shame in this community,myself included, not knowing that whoever is on the other end of the pointed finger, receiving this energy often have reasons for being the way they are and most of us have very big shoes to fill...And you can bet most of those on your friendslist have put in the work to get where they are today, spiritual awakening is no fluffy rainbow unicorn ride, it is dedication , devotion and immense work and all we have to show for it is a better us today than we were yesterday. Spirituality however is getting made complicated by the people pursuing it, every experience is made into something that can fit in a box, labeled and compared. We are intellectualizing spirituality so much so, that very few even know what they are truly talking about anymore,with so little focus on what is going on right at the very heart of every experience as the focus is out there in the stars, in otherworldly beings, in fellow journeyers and in the next big spiritual overhyped fad... Spirituality should be made simple, its the way we breathe, its the way we are in touch with our emotions, our bodies,minds and souls. Its presence, awareness and experience. Its love at the heart of everything. Its being happy, healthy and thriving. Its no competition, no one to compete with but ourselves, we will never be anyone else, but ourselves. Instead choose to find your YOUnique soulsong, your expression of life as you live it. Nobody else knows or even cares what that is, but you. If you play a fake game you are not impressing anyone, least of all yourself. It is you who have to live with you at the end of the day, its you who can go to sleep at night with a content heart or not. Nobody else is worrying about your night sleep. They got too much going in their own life wanting to make their own day worthwhile. You can talk or act a big game all damn day, but none of that will even matter when we are all gone. The more we awaken there will be less and less pedistals, so no need to fight for the limelight or try to gain followers by playing a game with masks upon masks, they will all drop to the floor eventually. This is an awakening of truth after all and if we are not in alignment with our own truth,well the truth will be known. So worry about your own self, stay away from slander, stay away from labeling anyone or try to position yourself in a spiritual hierarchy that is eventually going to fade. Nothing and No One that are not REAL will eventually be exposed, so sit back and relax and enjoy the simple things in life, now THAT is true spirituality....In this space I find God every day and I do my best to give it away...
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 17:47:19 +0000

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