The onset of my quadriplegia... (A continuation of yesterdays - TopicsExpress


The onset of my quadriplegia... (A continuation of yesterdays post) On Tuesday June 3, 2008, I was released from the hospital after the sedative wore off. It was about 1:30 AM. So I was given my marching orders. A nursing assistant came to get me. I asked him whats with the wheelchair!? He replied you are being discharged. I said bro, I can walk, somewhat. I dont need a stinkin wheelchair! He said Sir, you are being discharged so I need to transport you to our discharge area so I need to take you with a wheelchair. So I sighed and said fine Little did I realize that the wheelchair I so rejected was going to be my only means of transportation and that it was also my way of becoming free later in life. So as I was riding on a wheelchair being pushed, I didnt realize that this little trip was foreshadowing my life up until present day and near future. I arrive to my apartment all scatterbrained. I couldnt sleep a wink...well an hour, maybe. I wake up about 6AM to my right arm completely limp. My right leg was useless. I looked like a zombie dragging my leg and my arm swaying as I walked to the restroom. My face was fine, so it wasnt a stroke, but my body looked like I had one. In my mind I said F*** it, Im calling the neurologist now to set up the appointment, hell Ill just show up at his office. As I pick up the phone something happens. When I had gone to the E.R. the night before, I thought I was going to have a heart attack because of the arm tingling. So as I pick up the phone I get a large blunt pain in my chest. If it wasnt a heart attack before it is now. My thoughts were am I going to die, Lord, I dont want to die!!!!!!!. Next thoughts: I need to call my parents and tell them I love them!! I need to call 911 If I call one I probably wont be able to call the other Oh God, what do I do?!?! *** Will the Texans go to the super bowl? (Ok this one is a lie, laugh a little) *** These thoughts raced in my head for what seemed like an eternity. These thoughts probably actually took like half a second. Do I call my folks to say my final good bye and say I love them and possibly die, or do I call 911 to save me, but if they dont save me I miss my chance to say goodbye to the ones I loved. What would you have done? Needless to say I called 911. As I finish my phone call to them my right hand goes numb. I drop my phone since I can no longer control my hand. My door was a bit ajar, so I went outside to wait for the ambulance. As I waited, all of a sudden I became paralyzed STANDING UP. I couldnt move. If that wasnt bad enough my shorts fall. So imagine a shirtless chubby/fat Mexican paralyzed standing up with his shorts around his ankles in his blue underwear. No joke here. I just laughed. I figured if the ambulance didnt show I would get arrested for being a pervert in the middle of an apartment complex and then I could get some help. Hahaha hahaha. Not one soul passed by not one. Just my luck, I guess. It seemed like an eternity before the ambulance showed up. They did preliminary tests and no heart attack symptoms just the blunt pain. Somehow I got to the stretcher and got to the hospital. The time was 8AM on the dot. I was completely paralyzed chest down. No use of my arms...well my right had some movements. So it took 11 hours for my paralysis to take over. Just like that, I was having dinner the night before and by breakfast the next day I was completely paralyzed. Doctors never did find out what happened. My condition was labeled as idiopathic transverse myalitis. Idiopathic means unknown origin (oh joy). So six years ago to the hour I thought I couldnt do anything anymore. Surprisingly Ive done a great deal the last 2 1/2-3 years of my 6 years of my quadriplegia. (So Ive been told). I think Ive done a little but I know I have done something meaningful. So yeah Im a quad and your not...big deal. If you dont do anything meaningful like help out family, friends, or your fellow man then youre worse off than I am or you got some explaining to do. Not to be an A--hole but if youre not worse of than me then you have no excuse...just saying. So thats my paralyzing story. A two day event just encompassing 11 hours exactly. My situation is for somebodys benefit. It could be for my benefit or it could be for yours the person reading it, hell it could be for someone you tell about me. Theres a purpose for this ordeal Im going through. Thats my wish and hope. Have a great blessed day...and by the way do something meaningful today, dont wait till tomorrow. You never know if you will because tomorrow is never promised.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 15:45:17 +0000

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