The other day I learned a Valuable Lesson. I met with a 71 year - TopicsExpress


The other day I learned a Valuable Lesson. I met with a 71 year old guy on a lake thinking he wanted to sell his home on my terms.. I advised him I was sent by my boss. I got their a little earlier then him and I started walking around the prop taking pics. this is a 7 figure neighborhood so I was thinking to my self please dont call the police due to its a black guy walking around a property. Anyway the home owner came and seen me on the dock in his backyard. The house was on the lake. He was a very nice guy.He invited me to go sit on his boat. As soon as we sat down he said lets talk business.. So I started with my offer (it was low) he paused and said "YOU TELL YOUR BOSS I CAN BUY THIS HOUSE AND ALL THE WAY TO THE CORNER" he did a 180 around the lake with his hand. I apologized to him and told him we can do better. He then said look I have a masters in Accounting & Finance people come to me when they want to make money. I dont need money I have plenty of it.. He then said I paid 800k for that house.. And you see this dock I paid 100k to get this dock built. He said you got to come stronger on your offer. I paused and felt like rabbit droppings.. So I then asked what he was going to do with the house if it was not for his health. He said build a 12,000 sq ft house at 450.00 a foot. I pointed to the house next door he said NO and he showed me the house across the lake and said I was going to duplicate that.. This house was a castle. I was in amazement of the caliber of this house.. He then began to talk to me like a human. He said I like your name. He asked do you know what it means? I said yes it mean help in arabic. He said NO it means Victorious. He spoke arabic as a native langauge. I did some research after I left and apparently my name means help & Victorious. After our meeting he asked me did I want to drive his boat. I looked at him and Said yes. as we were walking to the boat he said maybe next time its getting dark.. He then gave me a tour around the neighborhood in my car apparently he lives directly next door to someone who plays for the carolina Panthers. after our Tour and great conversation I left. But took away 2 valuables lesson when my parents named me I WAS BORN TO BE A WINNER that explained alot. 2nd lesson their is whole nother life out their for those who dare to cross the lake...
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 21:09:10 +0000

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