The other day we talked about water, today its food. First, lets - TopicsExpress


The other day we talked about water, today its food. First, lets change the way we think of the term “diet.” Your diet is whatever your pattern of food consumption is. Right now, perhaps you have a very poor diet because you don’t eat the right foods, etc. Most people view the word diet as a temporary change in those patterns of eating to achieve a weight loss goal but then go right back to eating poorly. Not smart Once you get in the habit of clean or just healthy eating, why change? It took you so long to make it a habit and to achieve something its such a waste to throw it away. With that said, there is one area that I see being an issue for so many people I speak to. Lunch at work. People spend so much money on those small microwaveable lunches (I used to as well) and even though you may think you are doing the right thing by getting the “diet” ones or the ones that say “High protein” if you turn the box over they are incredibly high in sodium (average 550mg) and Carbs (average 45-40g) And, since I am sure you aren’t monitoring your water intake or pairing your lunch with a diet soft drink, you have just dumped a ton of stuff in your body you don’t need. I understand that its fast, easy and better than a drive thu but how about this. On Sundays take an hour to prepare your meals for the week. You can get inexpensive food containers at the store, buy all your food fresh and save yourself a ton of money and health problems! If you don’t want to spend time cooking on the stove, take your protein source (turkey chicken fish, etc) throw it in the slow cooker with some fresh veggies, water and unsalted broth, lentils or black beans and let it cook on its own! Then when its done, separate it into several small containers and freeze them. There you go, frozen lunches for the week! If you have a water cooler at the office, you can also bring in frozen fruit and either get one of the insulated cups with the insert to hold fruit or just throw the frozen fruit in the bottom of a water bottle. As you drink, the fruit flavors the water and you can refill all day. If you are looking for a snack, especially in the heat, frozen fruit is great!! Whew I feel better now!!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 12:23:43 +0000

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