The past few days Ive been heading to specific people and asking - TopicsExpress


The past few days Ive been heading to specific people and asking them to step it up. Generally they are people I think are holding back a bit and have a bit more to give (although, dont we all have a bit more when its asked of us?). The response has been great. Troops have been running harder and faster than even they thought they could. The moral of the story is to ask yourself every day and through every drill if you can do a little more. Do you know the difference between being tired and being exhausted? How many people take themselves to a threshold of pain so fierce that it demands results by its very nature and existence? When you complete a mile run, how many of you taste blood in your mouth? How many of your forearms are pumped so full of blood you feel like you need water to extinguish the flames? Personal drive is what separates the people that could from the people that never will. Going through the motions of exercise may stave off muscular atrophy, but it wont give you muscle definition and a six pack. Those things come from the heart. You have to want it bad enough to eat right and exercise harder. The winter is the time of year a lot of people put weight on. Its a combination of feeling like a slug and feeding off the darkness while complaining about the cold, which isnt cold at all once you get moving. These are the people that that cant improve because they only really want to look good for three months of the year and every winter the effects of sitting with little movement and eating too much takes its toll. Its like restarting every summer. So I am challenging you not only to step up your effort and give it absolutely everything you have (the feeling of needing to vomit should be more common that the act), but to fight out the winter and realize that its nothing more than a mental barrier you need to overcome. Your body doesnt have a problem with the cold any more than it has a problem with heat. Cold is easier to battle and less of a danger than the heat of summer. Try it out and see how far you can take your goals when a little snow and blowing wind isnt the end of your fitness journey until you decide to restart it.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:46:27 +0000

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