The pilgrimage of disciples from Malaysia, and to consult True - TopicsExpress


The pilgrimage of disciples from Malaysia, and to consult True Buddha! 《TBNSky Breaking News》 https://facebook/TBSkyNews On 18th November 2014, His Holiness Lian-Sheng Living Buddha Lian-Sheng met with the disciples from the Zhi-Xin Cultivation Centre, Yin-Ming Cultivation Centre (Malaysia), and the representatives of Taiwan Central District’s Lotus Light Charity Society. On the consultation with Grand Master for advice on cultivation centre affairs, the disciples were elated with their matters resolved. With admiration to virtues exuded by Grand Master, the local restaurant general manager and his assistant of a local restaurant took refuge empowerment and received blessings from our guru, indeed these are rare and extraordinary. They besought Grand Master to bless them to have a bright future. His Holiness Grandmaster had a group photo with the disciples after the dinner, everyone was delighted. As the gathering came to an auspicious end, disciples paid homage and thanked Grand Master. Please visit 《TBNSky News Main Page》 for more news bulletin ------------------------------- 中馬弟子朝聖,請示真佛指點迷津! 《真佛天空新聞英文版極速報》 https://facebook/TBSkyNews 2014年11月18日,聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥,接見來自大馬直心堂與印明同修會弟子,而台灣中區華光代表亦蒞臨與會! 眾弟子們頂禮聖尊,請示真佛有關道場堂務,沒想到真佛金口一開,頓時解開種種疑惑! 而當地餐廳總經理與副總經理,亦仰慕聖尊福德,特祈請真佛加持,賜授皈依灌頂!真是殊勝難得,她們祈求師尊加持運程光明! 會後聖尊與眾弟子們合影留念,人人雀躍,頂禮感恩聖尊,一切圓滿吉祥! 更多內容請連結《真佛天空新聞台總網站》
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 23:52:45 +0000

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