The problem for todays conservatives is that the market will - TopicsExpress


The problem for todays conservatives is that the market will always favor cheap solutions, and cheap solutions tend to be dirty and large. So for the local-food movement to grow and return our culture to erstwhile conservative values of family, land, and neighborhood, there needs to be an activist government squarely facing off against hog lagoons, feedlots, and other agribusiness abuses, so necessary to profits and so deadly to neighbors. And that part is not conservative-friendly. --Peter Basch, letter to THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE Whats the middle ground? Clearly, local control; but even that is being taken away, hijacked by state and federal centralizers. Our county stopped the construction of a large factory farm--in spite of a state zoning ordinance that all but undermined our ability to have a say-so on its siting. Just across the border, poor Wisconsin is being inundated with new factory farms and factory farm expansions, thanks to a similar zoning ordinance signed by its former Democrat governor and given new muscle via its recently-reelected G.O.P. governor, with new muscle being less oversight, laxer regulation, and bureaucratic side-stepping.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:45:00 +0000

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