The problem with today’s world is that there is no attempt to - TopicsExpress


The problem with today’s world is that there is no attempt to seek the truth. Or maybe there is but that attempt is either repressed (USA, EU) or not encouraged (China, Russia). Only marginal people are interested in literature and academic philosophy has been turned into a banality strongly affected by politics, paid by the grant institutions, which are either state sponsored or establishment sources. In natural science only a bit of independent scientific effort is left (to produce GMOs) . And on top of all that we have the tightly controlled western propaganda media that dominates the world. Veritable presstitutes hold sway there and lie for all their money’s worth. This propaganda media then refer to experts – furnished by phony NGOs and stink thanks - talking heads, that are ready to confirm precisely the agenda that the powers that be set. The overwhelming majority of all the people in the leading positions of all above mentioned institutions are mediocre yes-men at best, but very often evildoers with satanic purposes. In the West I mean. But in non-West most who reach a position of leading admires the West. So it is a dead spiral down. – This is not the world I was born into. Will it be the one I leave? All looks very, very gloomy indeed.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:27:13 +0000

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