The provocation of the American people regardless of vet or not is - TopicsExpress


The provocation of the American people regardless of vet or not is exactly what this country needs. Martial law is exactly what this country needs. What is there to be afraid of from martial law? The answer is nothing. To be honest if martial law were invoked the simple fact is we would have a crystal clear line drawn between us and them. All of you that are afraid of the military you should and shouldnt be at the same time. To explain do you think the entire military will be on the same side? Is the whole country? The fact of the matter is simply its gonna get ugly. Thousands of people are going to die, period. Theres been some talk about nukes being used in the U.S., ok what good would that do? None, what good would it be to control a country with no people left? The sooner people wake up and take a good long look at reality the sooner we can make an honest attempt at revolution. Ill point out some things that apparently are over looked. The National Guard or Reserves is gonna get us So all the people like myself that fix your car, do your taxes, if your roof, your doctors, lawyers etc nah we dont have families, communities, friends to protect. Were just gonna start shooting everyone without an Obama sticker. We all are brainwashed morons? Guess again. I have to go to go to work So a war is being fought in your backyard or neighborhood and youre just going to hop in the car and head off to clock in? I have to pay bills Ok, you honestly believe if there is a war going on in the U.S. That your power, gas, water and cable company are going to show up and turn your utilities off? No not everyone is a navy seal, Jedi, ninja or all around badass. Well those that cant fight should. Those who cant theres plenty of things to do. Like organizing which still has yet to be done. Communication with each other is critical. What are your plans when Facebook, Twitter, cellular phones and everything but the emergency broadcast system is shut off? Bet 90% of you reading this have no plan at all. These pages were created for two reasons. 1.) keep a steady flow of verifiable information to you. 2.) Get people to connect with each other and organize. The only organized part we have going on right now is checking in and clicking the like button. The last problem we face is everyone wants to be in charge. Sorry guys and gals but if a 13yr old kid was organizing something and the plan was working just fine. Why do you have to be in charge? What we need is group leaders and people to follow them and do as they are asked. What we dont end is a pile of good idea fairies that want to reinvent the wheel. Want an example of that. Look at our current government. A massive pile of good idea fairies. Thats working out swimmingly for us right now isnt it? Dont be afraid of martial law, encourage it, realize that all though yes a revolution is scary it is necessary. Its time to put up or shut up. Im pretty sure between the vets, bikers, patriots and the truckers theres been plenty of opportunities for you to get out and be a part of something bigger than yourselves. The time for excuses is over. Now get to work on getting together and organizing...OR6
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 17:14:57 +0000

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