The purification/cleansing will be over for most people after 24 - TopicsExpress


The purification/cleansing will be over for most people after 24 hours but some people can continue to have detoxification reactions for awhile longer. The purification can be temporarily uncomfortable at times, but it can be very healing in the long term. Your system is ridding itself of some of the impurities that can cause a lot of problems. If you still feel unusually tired it can be because your mind/body is using a lot of energy for healing and detoxification. When you complete a cleansing cycle then you can have more energy and you have raised the energetic vibration of your energy system. Some people can see dramatic improvements quickly and for others it takes more time. There are multiple reasons for this. One of the main reasons is that the mind/body can only safely detoxify so much at one time or it can be counter productive. If most people were to release a lot of their repressed emotion all at once it could be very overwhelming. Releasing repressed emotion is at the heart of much deep healing so if you are feeling extra emotional just observe the emotions and make it ok to feel them and not repress them. Also physical toxins can get released when repressed emotions are released because there are energy blockages where the emotions are held and toxins can build up because of poor circulation in the area. Healing is a process and is like peeling the layers off an onion. Many people report unusual dreams and this is quite common from the sessions. You can even have scary dreams as you release old fear from your system. Just remember that the fear is coming from your own mind and the energy is not causing the fear, just helping you to release it. Some people mention feeling temporarily nauseous or having abdominal discomfort during the healing. This can be from the energy working through blockages and also releasing repressed emotion. Many people hold a lot of repressed emotion in their abdominal area. The cleansing from the energy sessions is temporary. If you have any severe or continued pain or any symptom that concerns you then please see a medical doctor. This work is not a substitute for medical treatment of any kind. Please be familiar with heart attack and stroke symptoms. If you have any heart or stroke related symptoms then please seek medical attention immediately because these conditions can be life threatening. Purification can be on all levels, physical, mental and emotional. Some people can continue to see changes long after the session and when you release a major blockage your whole life can transform. I greatly appreciate people sharing their experiences on the wall as it can help others to realize the wide variety of experiences that people can have from the energy healing. There are several notes that help explain the healing process in more detail, links below. Often after the energy sessions people will feel more calm, peaceful and less reactive in stressful situations. When we remove enough blockages we can begin to sense the peace and love that permeates everything. If after the session you would like to do more intensive healing work then you can sign up through the website. You get a full month of energy healing for only $99. This program is a powerful way to speed up the healing process and heal chronic issues and patterns. The monthly program includes daily unscheduled adjustments during the month. You also get an Energetic Feng Shui of your home. This unique method helps to clear, balance and harmonize the energy in your home and can greatly enhance healing. Pets love the energy. QigongEnergyHealing/ If you want to make sure you receive notices of the free sessions then please sign up for monthly newsletter with the Join My List tab at the top of the page. Facebook often distributes less than 10% of the posts so the great majority of people never see the posts about the free sessions. Im very grateful to everyone who shared the free session information with their friends. Peace, Michael Purification and Cleansing information. facebook/note.php?note_id=412508184793 Also facebook/note.php?note_id=413644444793 Note on Dreams. facebook/note.php?note_id=422732099793 Not everyone will see results from the energy sessions and sometimes it just takes more time to work through big blockages. The energy sessions are not a substitute for medical treatment of any kind. I, Michael Mohoric, nor the energy sessions heal, cure, prevent, treat or diagnose disease. If you have any medical condition or symptom, physical or psychological, that concerns you then please see your medical doctor or licensed health care professional. These spiritual energy sessions may help your energy field to come into balance. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that when the energy in the body is flowing correctly then the innate healing ability of the body can heal itself. I make no promises, guarantees or claims about the effectiveness of this work. I believe all healing is self healing.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 14:18:17 +0000

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