The quest for...... ...... is there more than what has been - TopicsExpress


The quest for...... ...... is there more than what has been held to be a self identity..... more of the same hoopla of thought... ..... which has created the self identity to begin with. The search for a beyond, needs the defining of behind. The advice to leave the outer and search in the inner... ....still assumes a boundary between the two. The search for an experience, deeper, more profound, more expansive, more esoteric, more epiphan-ic.. ...than what has one experienced till now.... more of the same baloney of a round and round a mulberry bush game. Seeing the transience of everything in searches for the eternal in the timeless. One posits a Satchitananda.......and now the mind salivates at the prospects of the Ananda of the chit which is Sat-ted. The need for the very sense of a needy self. And a needy self....can never end its need. How can it? Its very raison to need. Thus, every satiation...even the bliss of a samadhi of several hundred years... boring after some time....and one reaches for a Diet Coke, after all those samadhi years. The need for seen through. The quest to need a defining of a state, to aspire seen through. Even that aspiration which defines itself to need seen through.. ......aka the quest of cultivated impoverishment. The cul-de-sac of thought....creating the issue...... .....thus creating the sense of a self for which the issue is an issue.... .....and the very issue then positing of goals, objectives, destinations.. ..which is hoped to eliminate the issue..... ....and the ways and means to such destinations.... ...this cul-de-sac is seen through. Every issue........whether it is of dyspepsia......or of Moksha.... born out of taking the particular to be ones identity. The functional usefulness of this .. ...being only in a context of relatings inter-alia seen through. And having seen relates and enjoys all contexts. Aka, , awake today morning, going for a walk with a friend.... .....neither adoring........... nor abhorring.... ....the hoopla of ones last night sleep dream.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 04:44:37 +0000

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