The real democracy have war against impunity and - TopicsExpress


The real democracy have war against impunity and oppression. The impunity and oppression by GEJ and PDP is too much. Nigeria do not belong to GEJ and PDP alone.Nigeria belong to all Nigerians. Change must come to Nigeria now. Read this Preye Aganaba The All Progressives Congress (APC) defended yesterday its much criticised directive to its lawmakers on the Presidency’s bills and proposals. The directive to block all proposals from the Executive in already yielding results, the party said in a statement issued in Lagos by its spokesman Lai Mohamed. According to the APC, the directive has started yielding results, with the Save Rivers Movement (SRM) holding a peaceful rally – for the first time – on Saturday. In the party’s view, the critics are either ignorant of the working of democracy or just playing to the gallery for pecuniary gains.The party said already, copy cat attacks and intimidation of APC members had been launched by the government and the police in Gombe, because they have been watching the impunity being committed in Rivers. ‘’All over Gombe, our party flags, billboards and posters are being vandalised by hoodlums aided and abetted by the police. Our youth supporters are being arrested while our members are being threatened by the police and the state government officials. ‘’From Rivers, this reign of impunity has spread to Gombe. Who knows where the train of impunity is heading to next? Yet, some so-called fickle analysts, some chameleonic activists who willingly pit their tents with the highest bidder, some increasingly irrelevant organisations and some political parties who are content with the crumbs that fall off the table of the ruling party have the temerity to condemn a directive they do not understand.The APC, as a party, cannot be intimidated by the antics of those who will have no qualms elevating self interest above public interest, by those who believe their cheap criticism will help insert their snouts into the nectar of filthy lucre. ‘’Therefore, while we acknowledge the so-called critics’ right to express their opinions on our directive, we disagree with them, in the exercise of our own rights, and here reiterate the directive, which goes thus: ‘In view of the joint resolutions of the National Assembly on Rivers State, and other constitutional breaches by the Presidency, the APC hereby directs its members in the National Assembly to block all legislative proposals, including the 2014 budget and confirmation of all nominees to military and civilian positions to public office, until the rule of law and constitutionalism is restored in Rivers State in particular, and Nigeria in general’,’’ the party said. SOURCE: THENATION
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 07:15:26 +0000

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