The return to Outer Heaven... Anger is an acid that can do more - TopicsExpress


The return to Outer Heaven... Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. ---Mark Twain (1835-1910) A phantom battle waged by the vanished, everyday human life must confront those who dont exist; regardless if they dont want to admit it or not. The base of this conflict is anger. A person devoid of any ideology besides their own returns to the world stage to fight for all they has left. Once, it may have been about making the world right. A fair effort to help people become equal in this sea of inequality. Now however, people hold this fight personal. Their anger self-evident to just even meet what people define as the set standards for success. Anger has become the most widespread selfish act that we hold to be justified. A new life holds the promise of death. Every death holds the promise of new life. That spiral remains unbroken. Those who formed the foundation of Outer Heaven avenged the sacrifices that went to vain descent. To remember those who have perished and fallen. To make this anger meaningful (and not just another set of mad men & women), the fight for revenge takes the form of suffrage. This is not for justice, not for any ideology, and not even for peace. If those three mentioned worked, then all this conflict wouldve been gone a very long time ago. The cry for help must go through the suffering imposed on oneself. Emotions that manifest to entities that should never exist, yet, here they are. Outer Heaven will rise and fall in 1984. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain release for the PlayStation & Xbox systems 2015.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:45:23 +0000

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