The sacredness of life and the mystery of the photon This is for - TopicsExpress


The sacredness of life and the mystery of the photon This is for those who are True in Life, Live and Light 1. DNA is the carrier of information from the Software of Life (SoL) 2. Classic genetic approach tries to understand the SoL by analyzing the hardware support, that is the physical structure of the DNA molecule. That is the same as trying to understand a software algorithm, by looking with a microscope to how exactly a CPU is organized and trying to correlate the hardware structure with the observed software outputs /effects. Not very smart. 3. Information from the SoL has to have a method of transmission through the DNA. This can be either chemical, electro-magnetic or optical/photonic So we look to the DNA structure looking for its specific difference. What do we find? Phosphorus. What is so special about Phosphorus? It has the peculiar ability to receive and emit Photons/Light. BINGO Information from SoL is carried through DNA at Photonic/Quantum level. 4. This leads to an interesting paradox. Namely the most complex information is carried through the most tiny entity in our universe. What is almost 0 from physical perspective, is almost Infinite from informational perspective. To give an example. When a new virus enters the body, information is transmitted from the detection cells to the thymus, which in turn prepares specialized anti-bodies specifically for that virus (i.e. writes a specific software code). The information for this extremely complex process is carried and downloaded at photonic/quantum level. 5. This paradox leads to an important Revelation. At our current level of evolution, we are limited in mingling with the Software of Life. We can go as far as understanding this abstract fact: that the infinitely complex information from the SoL is carried at photonic/quantum levels. And there is no way, as of yet, that we could hack or modify the SoL carried and transmitted at photonic/quantum level. Life is Sacred. And no matter how hard we try we cannot trump or rape Her. At our current evolutionary level we were given the ability to modify matter at chemical and electro-magnetic levels. 6. We have been given this ability precisely to understand at an abstract level and through the fractalic principle at what level does the Software of Life reside. It resides at a level beyond the quantum barrier, and it is transmitted here through Photons/Light. 7. And We are not yet prepared to Enter Inside the Photon, and understand the Mystery of Life, that is to have access to the level where the Software of Life resides and to modify it. Until then, we as Humanity have to first become One Consciousness, to see ourselves as One Cell of Life part of a Still Greater Life, to become Guardians and Protectors of Life and to clean up the mess we’ve made until now. 8. Further you have to understand that current genetic research is just a cover for the newest form of Dark Alchemy. Dark Alchemy is practiced from ancient times by certain factions who seek to find the Elixir of Everlasting Life in the Flesh. That’s how they understood Immortality, and in their madness they sought to rape Life so that they could enter Her Sacred Melodys Echo ChamberBut Life cannot be raped, not without dire consequences. Life has to be Loved, and thus Immortality is obtained. In Love, Light and Life
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 00:29:00 +0000

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