The simple power of NOW and NEXT ... Today, Kiva Schuler - TopicsExpress


The simple power of NOW and NEXT ... Today, Kiva Schuler Leatherman and Amrita Khalsa shared with me a vision and plan for the next 90 days that allows each of us to step more fully into the truth of who we are and what we want. In harmony. With joy. And liberation. The desire seed for this plan first arose in July, but was presented quite differently. Had we held tight to our beliefs, judgments and stuck at that time, we would have walked away and ended our relationship. It would not have been in the highest service. It would have been a repeat of so many sucky relationship transitions of the past. Each of us being left less well off. And with the Money Map unlaunched. Fortunately, I had grown enough through past transitions to invite for and call in something different. And Amrita and Kiva were big enough to stay open to their yes. I asked for help and two dear friends responded fully, Reuben Allan Lewis and Paul Cooper, supporting me to first raise my own vibration and then supporting all three of us to say yes to something bigger than we had ever done before. Since Burning Man, just 2.5 months ago, we pulled off a truly incredible feat. We produced a 7-minute music meditation video and full on video campaign (thank you Akira Chan and Elijah Ray) for being such full-bodied yesses to the vision. We gave an accelerated version of the Money Map to over 5,000 people for free (thank you Anthony David Adams for that vision and Lara Berg and Kevin Flynn for being such amazing ambassadors of our love). We enrolled 170+ new students in our 6-month Money Map course. And now, we have begun the delivery of a fully upgraded, in many ways all new, version of that course (thank you Allison Osborn for doulaing this birth). This all occurred through more resistance than you could possibly know. Or maybe even imagine. Speaking last week for Yanik Silver and Dmitriy Kozlovs Maverick NEXT crew and then at Kate Maloney and Marc Gafnis Success 3.0 Summit was the capstone (probably not using this word right) on an extraordinary course of events. I have emerged an entirely new human. Some call her (me) Ali Neely. But this isnt about that. This is about the simple power of NOW and NEXT. Throughout the past several weeks, the future relationship among me, Kiva and Amrita has been uncertain. We didnt know what would happen, how we would continue to work together, or even if we would. We just knew that we needed to stay focused on delivering on the Money Map course and keep feeling into what would be next. Now and next. In the past, I would have been unable to stay present because my stories and projections about the future would have overtaken my mind, created a reality that would either keep me from focusing or have me hyper-focused and blocking out the tone of my heart. This time, something was different. I kept coming back to a practice that Amy Baglan recently reminded me I shared with a client who told her about it. (Its funny that Amy had to remind me about a practice I shared with one of my clients, but when I am working with clients, I am channeling and often dont recall what I said afterward and the practice is so intimate to me that I wasnt consciously aware I was utilizing it.) Now: whats alive and true for me now. Next: what is the very next thing I am open and available for, truly? It wasnt easy. I found myself getting stressed, thinking about a future far beyond next, wanting to take action, projecting and creating stories. But, kept coming back to my breath and trust and remembering who Amrita and Kiva are and that they would present me with a plan for next that I could relax into when they were ready. So I chose to breathe, relax and use the stress energy to do something that was constructive and within my control. Again and again, I practiced that. And, yesterday they shared their vision with me. Whats next is exciting. Its big. Its liberating. It creates a huge win for each of us. And the people we serve. And our partners. And the world. I am excited for us to share more with you soon. Love you gals. So glad we have found a new way to live, work and love together.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 15:58:25 +0000

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