The sleeping human organism is like a plant. The rays of the sun - TopicsExpress


The sleeping human organism is like a plant. The rays of the sun have to fall on the plant if it is to live. The ego has to work on the sleeping organism as the sun does on the plant. But it is not only the sun that plays a part in bringing forth and sustaining vegetation. The moon does also. The light of the moon influences the plant. The lunar forces determine the width of the plant. A plant that grows tall and thin is little influenced by the moon. The whole cosmos is involved in the growth of plants and men. The ego works into the physical and etheric bodies as the sun influences plant growth. Similarly, the astral body is related to the moon. The ego is the sun for the physical body, the astral body is spiritually its moon. Our ego creates a replacement for the influences of the sun - our vitality and soul awareness; and our astral body for those of the moon: our feelings and thoughts. The sunlight is not only physical, it is also of a soul-spiritual nature separated from the cosmos and become the “I” or ego. The human astral body contains an extract of the light of the moon, it gives the individuality to the ego. We are illumined by our own ego and astral body, by cosmic and personal light of consciousness. The fundamental reason for death lies in the sphere of consciousness. From this we can gather that the conscious activity of the ego within our daily life is the destroyer of our physical and etheric bodies. We die because we live consciously. The spirit expands and the matter contracts, as st.JOHN said about the Christ:" I must decrease, that He would increase." When we go through the gate of death, we leave our physical and etheric bodies behind and our ego and astral body now emerge as sun and moon that have nothing to illumine. Nevertheless, the ego and the astral body can continue their existence in spite of the fact that they have nothing to illumine. When they permeate the body, consciousness arises. In the spiritual world also, man has to permeate something if he is to acquire consciousness, otherwise he would exist without consciousness. The dead are communicated with us and we can intuite their vibrations. The more a person has opened himself to receive a spiritual content, the better he will fare after death. Mankind will learn increasingly to become independent of what is bound to the physical body. The decay of the body has nothing to do with life after death, but if nothing of a soul-spiritual nature has been developed, then there is nothing to carry over into the spiritual world. In spiritual science more will depend on how things are said, rather than on what is said. One will accustom oneself to listen to how things are expressed. In this way one can enter into contact with the dweller of devachan as we speak out of the depth of the soul, as we pour love and share honest thoughts, reveal the causes of our guilt and search the way to improve the sun- moon relation. Life on earth will wither, but the human soul will grow into the spiritual world. At the end of earth evolution man will have progressed so that there will no longer be a sharp division between the living and the dead. The earth will do over into a spiritual condition again because man will have spiritualized himself. from R.STEINER.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 14:26:46 +0000

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