The spirit of anti-christ is really hard a work to day in most - TopicsExpress


The spirit of anti-christ is really hard a work to day in most circles;;; people tend to know the wide open religions that are deceived;; & are teaching false doctrines that even a novice christian of 2 days could discerne;;; but there is an underlying lie to all of that that most christians that have or should have good discernment;;; should detect or else they are choosing to ignore it;;; In 2nd. THESS. Paul talks about the antichrist;;; He calls him the mystery of iniquity;;; a mystery is a hidden truth about the word of GOD that only discerning born again SPIRIT filled believers will understand;;;; The hidden truth about the antichrist spirit;;; is that he is completely lawless;;; he & his followers have no fear or respect for GOD & HIS WORD;;; That theme is ever so slowly spreading into & across (((christian))) denominations;;; if you look real hard at what most of them preach;;; you will see the same theme in most all churches;;; whether they are denomations;;; full gospel;;; faith people;; or non-denominations;;; OH they all claim to be reaching people for the LORD;;; & THEY ARE TOUCHING PEOPLE BY THE THOUSANDS SOME OF THEM;;; Is that a good thing??? That depends !!! On what you say??? Whether or not they compromise the truth to get people in or not;;; My brother Earl Menard told me one time;;; that whatever you used to draw people into a church with would be the same thing that you would have to keep doing to keep them;;; Iniquity is a bad thing to get involved in;;; it is a very-very elsuive & deceptive spirit;;; It seems to cause those that practice it oblivious to the fact;;; that those who fall into its trap will not enter the kingdom of GOD no matter how many good things they have done;;; like healing the sick;;; cleansing the leper;;; prophesing;;; casting out devils & many other good works;;; Dont take my word for it;;; read MATT.7:21-23;;; MATTER OF FACT JESUS WILL SAY DEPART FROM ME YOU THAT WORK INIQUITY I never knew YOU;;; THINK ON THESE THINGS;;; IN HIS SERVICE;;; JOHN
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 23:54:32 +0000

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