The spirit of great revolutionary Mzala Nxumalo is awake today - TopicsExpress


The spirit of great revolutionary Mzala Nxumalo is awake today October 27 is the day will never forget in the history of South Africans, two giants of the revolution Jabulani Nxumalo and OR Tambo were born on this significant date. Comrade Mzala as he was affectionately known to all in the liberation movement and was born on 27 October 1955, in Dundee, Northern Natal. His father Benjamin and mother Elsie were both teachers and paid the closest attention to his education. After attending primary school at Louwsburg, he went to Bethal College in Butterworth and completed his matric at Kwa-Dlangezwa College in Empangeni, in Zululand. Though ever loyal to the movement, Comrade Mzala was a fierce critic of bureaucracy and had no patience with fudge or compromise. However if Mzala was alive today would have a critical analytical point of view on numerous events has the ANC led government engaged. In the National Development Plan a master plan of this current government, would not bashed it all out but picked up enthusiastic programmes will help the poor and the working class. He will be informed what are some of the key principle that we need to keep in mind in addressing of state and revolution, an issue has occupied the mind of revolutionaries over the centuries. This is captured succinctly by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in 1872 Preface to the Germany edition of the Communist Manifesto, after attempt at a proletarian revolution through the Paris Commune.” One especially was proved by the commune, that the working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made state machinery, and wield it for its own purpose.“ Vladimir Lenin in his typical blunt self emphasizes this in his book, State and Revolution: The working class must break up, smash the readymade state machinery and not confine itself merely to laying hold of it’ Their approach is premised on the understanding that the state is a class instrument to pursue and defend class rule and class interests. In the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Marx and Engels do argue that the state, as super structural phenomenon, can enjoy some autonomy from the economic base or from the main classes (the phenomenon of Bonapartism) an observation that is of relevance to understanding some of the developmental state in the 20th century. This approach to state power was further developed by Antonio Gramsci, especially in terms of emphasizing that the state is not just a coercive force (“dictatorship “taken literally) but also a cohesive force. In this sense it should be able to exercise ideological hegemony in society. From this point of view Mzala can argue that elements of liberal democracy are in fact achievements of human civilization. This applies to such freedoms as those of speech, thought, association, the media and so on. Mzala was a delegate to the ANC conference in Kabwe, Zambia, in 1985 and presented a number of sharp challenges to the leadership. Today can focus out of all the resolutions adopted at the Mangaung conference, the one on building the ANC must be treated as socially critical, politically necessary and historically urgent. Socially critical locates the ANC at the epicenter of the struggle for the transformation of the South African society. This will inform the nature and qualitative standards of the cadre tasked with this responsibility. So many political battles can be lost if our strategic focus is not informed by the objective of social transformation, hence the political necessity. The historical mandate of the ANC is to eliminate all manifestations of national oppression without delay. But what does building the ANC mean? On the Numsa moment; Mzala would remind its leadership that unions are reformist in nature that supposed to focus on bread and butter issues, also to look forward to defend the workers from the retrenchment and exploitation by bosses. Can allude to say NUMSA from the various strands had converged around the SACP as its political home and accepted National Democratic Revolution (NDR) as its theoretical perspective for achieving socialism. Even myself, in the recent gathering was organized by IDAMASA in Nelson Mandela Bay, I reminded and confront NUMSA President Adrew Chirwa that the break away from the alliance and form United Front is not a solution at political juncture. Their failure to pursued 300 000 membership to be active members of the SACP in their respective branches can’t put the blame to the Party , in order to influence within the structure, to fast track this programme towards socialism, but should be reminded the struggle is not an event, it’s a process. If the leadership of NUMSA believes that the Party is dragging it legs to achieve socialism, atleast we have a space for battle of ideas in the Party, this new formation will be in periphery within no time from now. Let me congratulate the newly elected Provincial leadership of SACP, led by Provincial Secretary cde Xolile Nqatha. Indeed there were battle of ideas cultivated to more strong South African Communist Party in province. Hoping the political education will start soon as National Deputy Chairperson Thulasi Nxesi emphasized on the last, this will help to build the Party from quantity to quality. I urge the Party should follow the study of Palestine, after Hamas took the ruins of power by surprise from PLO. Because Hamas from its formation in 1987 took a position mobilize the masses day and night, therefore swelling the ranks must predominant in societal structures and lead them. Thanks Regards Thabang Maseko Mzala Nxumalo SACP branch Secretary And EC Young Communist League SA Spokesperson
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 12:31:51 +0000

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