The tears wont stop! McLeods called and Lonnie is scheduled for a - TopicsExpress


The tears wont stop! McLeods called and Lonnie is scheduled for a tip to toe bone scan Monday at 8:45AM. I asked how much $ this was going to cost or would McLeod allow me to set payments. She said no funds due from Mr. Lonnie. I began choking back tears. We talked about how Lonnie would have to be hospitalized for the next round of chemo treatments because this is extremely strong and that it has to be closely monitored. I told her I would begin preparing for this and that if I could find some kind of insurance, even if I had to try to go through cobra, if available, or whatever I might could find, if possible, because Lonnie had to have his treatments since this was not curable, or I would contact finance on Monday to set a payment process so there would not be a problem with Lonnie getting what he needed. I also told her that I did not know if I could stay the whole time with Lonnie at MUSC. She said this will be done at McLeods - the appt at MUSC was to confirm that the procedure the oncologist wanted to do was the same that the Cancer Center at MUSC recommended. I thanked her and told her I would contact McLeods finance office. What she said next brought the uncontrollable tears. She said, Ms Bryan, you do not understand. Let me explain. Any procedure Mr Lonnie needs that is a day procedure will be covered and any hospitalization for OUR Mr Lonnie will be covered. Mr Lonnie is ours and we take care of our own. Mr Lonnie is very important to McLeods, he is a terrific person and he will be taken care of. I choked out, through tears, the agreement that Lonnie is a terrific person and how could this possibly be - the doc at Musc said this will be long term and that Lonnie would need continued treatment the rest of his life. She said We are planning long term for Mr. Lonnie and he will be cared for. The rest of the arrangements were done through my crying - I honestly do not even know how she understood me - I couldnt understand myself. Then Lonnie returned to the car and was upset to find me crying. I explained to him through tears and hick ups what was arranged and what was said as he held me. I looked into his wonderful eyes and asked him how could this be? He smiled and said, God, Kim. Well, that was enough said - it said it all! I was still in shock and I asked Lonnie what was I to become now. He looked at me like I had lost my mind. I explained that I had always pushed - I was a pusher - I was one that did not give up and what was I now that God was taking my necessity to push away! He said, One loved by God! Now I am crying! I know God loves us, really I do, but for it to be such a blessing and then Lonnie reminding me, is blowing my mind! A situation that is so very hard and so many reaching to take away as many pressures as possible, relieving our worries to concentrate fully on Lonnies care, on our family, on our showing our love to each other and on our calling with the children is a mind blowing blessing. What a wonderful time to celebrate the birth of Christ that came to save His people! Thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts and praise You Lord for loving lowly sinners like us! Oh and FYI - I am not a crier - I just do not do that - until now - I think I am making up for the past 57 years of my life. Even Lonnie mentioned that to me. Of course the look I gave him then really did make him laugh! God Bless!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:33:03 +0000

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