The two sons of Hazrat Muslim (asws) Continuation from page 26, - TopicsExpress


The two sons of Hazrat Muslim (asws) Continuation from page 26, Book : The Ultimate Sacrifice for Allah : Karbala when skies wept blood, compiled by Dr umme fatima naqvi On the evening of 12 Zul-Hijjah, Mohammed (asws) and Ibraheem (asws) were sadly sitting in the underground room of Qazi Shureh. They were discussing why their father did not come to see them for a few days. They were missing their mother, sisters and family. When Qazi’s maid brought food, they asked her to tell them about their father. However, she was told not to disclose the martyrdom of Muslim (asws). She told her master that the children didn’t want to eat, that they wanted to know about their father first. Qazi thought that it was impossible to inform the children about the martyrdom of their father, because they would not be able to console them. Only if their mother was present, she could have consoled them to some extent. Qazi came with his family to the underground room and, while he loved the children, he told them that he sent somebody to get news about their father and that he would inform them as soon as he got some news. He insisted that in the meantime, they should eat. The children requested him to send them to their mother, but Qazi said that their life was in danger and that he would send them at an appropriate time. Shureh was a clever person. He was in the post of Qazi since the time of the second caliph and he remained in that post for 60 years, until his death at the age of 108 years. He was suspended for only 3 years by Abdullah ibne Zubair. It was he, who issued the Fatwa to martyr Imam Hussain (asws), by the order of Obaid (l.u.), for which he got 100 000 Dinars in reward. Qazi issued the Fatwa that mutiny is worse than killing. And Imam Hussain (asws) was spreading mutiny on the issue of Guardianship and Caliphate (Naoozobillah)! The punishment for murder was beheading, so the punishment for mutiny was also beheading. Thus, it was permissible to martyr Imam Hussain (asws). Following him, up to 18 000 so-called Muslim scholars issued the fatwa to martyr Imam Hussain (asws)! (At present people are also blaming mutiny on those who are preaching the Guardianship of the Infallibles asws!) Obaid (l.u.) announced that he, who would reveal the hideout of Hazrat Muslim’s (asws) children, would get 1000 Dinars and that the house where they would be found, would be destroyed and the inhabitants killed. Qazi was much worried. One caravan was to leave for Madina. Saad Kundi, a friend of Qazi, was part of that caravan and he promised Qazi he would take the children to Madina. At the night of 16 Zul Hijjah, Asad, son of Qazi, took Mohammed (asws), 8 years old, and Ibraheem (asws), less than 7 years old, out of Kufa’s city gate Babul Hujjaj. Unfortunately, they were late. The caravan had already left; far away its dust was visible. Asad told the children to run behind the caravan and, on reaching it, to ask for Saad Kundi, who would take them to Medina. Both children ran, but they were tired soon and sat on the ground. They tried their best again and again, but they could not reach the caravan. With swollen and injured feet, they were left in the desert. In the morning of 16 Zul Hijjah, soldiers of Haseen bin Nameer (l.u.) seized the children while patrolling and they brought them to the court of Obaidullah (l.u.). Qazi was also present in the court. He turned his face and left the court on seeing the children. Obaid (l.u.) commanded to imprison the children. At night, Qazi asked the in charge of the prison, Umar bin Harees, to take him to the children. Qazi told the children that their father had been martyred. They asked: Where is the holy grave of our father? Please inform our uncle Abbas (asws) and our mother about his martyrdom. Qazi pleaded with them not to disclose that they were hidden in his house. The children assured him: we are Kareem ibne Kareem, we will not disclose it. Prison :: In the last week of Jamad-ul-Awwal 61 Hijra, after almost six months in the underground prison (some scholars say that the holy children remained one year in jail) Mohammed (asws) and Ibraheem (asws) were disturbed by many unanswered questions: We didn’t do anything wrong. Why we are in prison? I wonder if our uncle Abbas (asws) and Imam Hussain (asws) came to Kufa with our mother and sisters, or not? I wonder if they know about the martyrdom of our Baba Jan (asws)? In the morning, the jailer Mashkoor came. The children discussed whether they should ask him their questions. They were afraid, because anytime they asked anyone a question, they first got slapped before the person answered. Anyway, they decided to address the jailer: Do you know Mohammed (sawaw)? He said: Why not, he (sawaw) is our Nabi (sawaw). They asked: Do you know Jafar-e-Tayyar (asws)? He said: Why not, Allah gave him two wings to fly with the angels in paradise. They asked: Do you know Amir-ul-Momineen Ali (asws)? He said: Ali is the cousin and brother of Nabi (sawaw). They said: we are the children of your Nabi (sawaw), orphans of Muslim (asws) and nephews of Abbas (asws). We are for a long time in prison, without proper food and water. It is difficult to survive. On hearing this, Mashkoor started weeping and apologizing for not knowing whose children they were. The old man promised he would help them escape from prison. The following night, Mashkoor took them home. The next evening, he took them out of the city gate Irqeen and told them to travel to the nearest city Qadsiya. There they should meet Mashkoor’s brother, Abdullah. He gave them his ring as a proof that he had sent them. He gave a letter for his brother as well. Abdullah was the Governor of Qadsiya and he would send the children to Madina. Mashkoor advised them to travel at night, to hide during the day and not to introduce themselves to anyone, because people were against their family. Mashkoor (as) saw a dream that night, in which Rasool Allah addressed him: Thank you for being merciful to my children. I am waiting for you, you will come soon to me. Mashkoor woke up, he took bath and offered Fajr prayer. In the meantime Umar bin Harees (l.u.) knocked the door and told him that Obaid (l.u.) inspected the prisons the last night and he did not find the children. As Mashkoor was the warden, what was his answer to this? Mashkoor (as) said: I am ready for the answer. Soldiers arrived to take Mashkoor to the court. Obaid (l.u.) asked him about the children. He bravely replied: I released them for the sake of the Pleasure of Allah. I was afraid to face Khatoon-e-Qiyamat (sa) and Rasool Allah (sawaw). Obaid (l.u.) said: Get ready for punishment. Obaid ordered to whip him 500 times and then to behead him. On every lash, Mashkoor was saying Alhamdolillah. After some lashes, he became unconscious. When he was conscious again, he asked for some water, but he got more lashes instead. When he was almost dead, Obaid (l.u.) ordered to behead him, though people who were present, requested to leave him. After some time, Mashkoor (as) opened his eyes and someone wanted to give him water but he smiled and said: No need of water, Rasool Allah (sawaw) is standing with the Holy Family (asws) to receive me and give me Kausar. The Holy sons of Muslim (asws) travelled along the river Furat at night and hid in shrubs during the day, drinking only water. After two days, they climbed a tree on the bank to hide for the day. The Maid of Haris (l.u.) came to take water. She saw the reflection of the two handsome children. She asked them who they were and they told her the truth. The maid told them that her mistress was Momina and she would give them shelter, but her master was Yazidi. The maid went home and told her mistress that she had met Hazrat Muslim’s children. Her mistress came to the river and took the children with love. She gave them a room to stay. The children asked for a Musalla, but refused food; they knew it was their last night. They slept embracing each other. They both saw in their dream that Rasool Allah (sawaw) was telling Hazrat Muslim (asws) that he (asws) left his (sawaw) children with the enemies. Hazrat Muslim (asws) replied that they would come soon to them, the following day. Haris (l.u.) came home late. His wife enquired from him why he was late. He told her that he had been looking for the children of Muslim (asws), because Obaid (l.u.) promised a reward of 1000 Dirham. She exclaimed: Why, you are the enemy of the Holy Family of Rasool Allah (sawaw)? Get up and take some food. At the same time the children woke up from their dream and cried out: O our father! Haris (l.u.) heard it and told his wife to give the key of that room. She refused, but he broke the lock. Haris (l.u.) bet Mohammed (asws) and Ibraheem (asws) so much that they were falling on the ground and their holy teeth broke. Then he tied them to a pillar for the whole night. In the morning, Haris (l.u.) ordered his slave Faleh to take them to the bank of the river Furat, to behead them, to throw their bodies in the river and to bring back their heads for reward. On the way to the riverbank the children were looking Faleh’s face again and again. He asked them why they were looking his face. They told him: You resemble Hazrat Bilal (as). Faleh asked: Who are you? They replied: We are the children of Rasool Allah (sawaw). Faleh immediately apologized to them. Seeing this, Haris (l.u.) attacked him with his sword, but Faleh jumped in the river. Then Haris (l.u.) instructed his son to kill the children. The children addressed the son: You are young, are you not afraid of hell? He too jumped in the river. Finally, Haris (l.u.) advanced himself to the children. His wife desperately tried to protect the holy children and the sword struck her shoulder. As she fell down, the children requested Haris (l.u.): Don’t kill us, just take us to Obaid (l.u.) and get your reward. Haris (l.u.) refused. Then they requested: Take us to Madina, where you will get your reward tenfold and the surety of Paradise. He again refused. They pleaded: Sell us as slaves and you will get even more money. He still refused. Ultimately they asked: Let us pray a two Rakat prayer. This he allowed. They prayed and after prayer they supplicated to Allah: Give this Zalim (unjust) punishment before Qiyamah also and send Mahdi (asws) soon to take revenge. Haris (l.u.) beheaded Mohammed (asws) first and his Holy Head fell in Hazrat Ibraheem’s (asws) lap. He put his brother’s blood on his face and body to be witness of the martyrdom before Allah. Haris (l.u.) threw the body in the river, but the body kept stationary, waiting for his brother. Then he martyred Ibraheem (asws) and also threw his holy body in the river. Both bodies embraced each other. The Holy Heads in the court of Obaidullah (l.u.) : Haris (l.u.) took the Holy Heads to the court and presented them to Obaid (l.u.). Obaid (l.u.) told him to relate the whole story. Haris (l.u.) narrated all that had happened, even what the children had said at their last moment: O Allah punish this Zalim before Qiyamah also. In the meantime Obaid’s (l.u.) slave Maqatil brought the Holy Heads in, which his wife had washed at home. Obaid (l.u.) removed the cover on the plate and saw the blue marks on the faces and the broken teeth. Cunning Obaid (l.u.) did not want to be blamed, so he said: Haris (l.u.), you are Zalim! I did not order to kill them! I will send your head to Yazid. He ordered his slave Maqatil to behead Haris (l.u.) instead of giving him his reward and to behead him on the same place where he martyred the children. He promised to give Maqatil a reward and told him to keep Haris’ (l.u.) horse also. It was announced in Kufa (to win the favour of the public) that people should come and see the punishment of the murderer of Hazrat Muslim’s children (asws). When they reached the bank of the Furat, the people saw Haris’s (l.u.) son and slave lying dead there and his wife lying unconscious as a result of her wounds under a tree. The public of Kufa was looking on how Maqatil first slapped Haris (l.u.) and tied his hands. Then he took his sword and hit him with the handle of his sword on the head. Next, he cut Haris’s (l.u.) hands and feet, thereafter he cut his legs and arms and then he beheaded him. Maqatil threw his body in the river, but the water threw it out. Then he threw the body in a nearby well, but again the water threw it out. Next, he dug a ditch and buried the body, but the earth threw him out. After that, they lit a fire, away from Haris’s (l.u.) body, and a flame came from the fire and it burned him in no time and the air blew away his ashes. Maqatil had brought the Holy Heads of Mohammed (asws) and Ibraheem (asws) with him. The people accompanied him to the river to place the Holy Heads in the river, so that the heads and the bodies could be together. The people witnessed how the two small holy bodies rose to the surface of the water and, when Maqatil placed the heads in the river, they saw the heads and bodies joining. Then both brothers moved towards Karbala, embracing each other. They travelled in the river to Musayyab, a place named after a person Musayyab living their. This person went in the evening to the Furat to fetch water from his well. He heard a lady (sa) in black clothes weeping on the other side of the river: O my children, I am weeping for you everywhere – in Karbala, in Kufa, in the bazaars of Shaam and on this river. He asked humbly: O Holy Lady (sa), who are you? She replied: I am the daughter of your Nabi (sawaw). Do me a favour and bury my sons; I give you surety of paradise. Musayyab went into the river, took the holy bodies and buried them on the bank of the Furat.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 10:30:15 +0000

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