The universe is fine without us. Knowledge is power; the people - TopicsExpress


The universe is fine without us. Knowledge is power; the people that control the world know that. I imagine that in tribes the physically stronger individuals became the natural leaders but as the need for structure increased society became a necessity. The weaker individuals were forced to use their intellect to survive, but society gave them a voice. As these individuals became smarter they realized that they could manipulate others by playing with their emotions. To me, this is when the gods were created. Maybe at first they were used to explain the unknown but it quickly became a tool to control the masses. Every civilization had religion in one way or another. You can even trace back the symbols used today by christians to the pagans, just like the Romans took Greek mythology and adapted it. The funny thing is that it never gave any answers. It just told stories and asked for our faith in them. Like a said before religion works well because it plays with peoples emotions, especially fear. Nobody wants to die and even worse if they think that theres a chance theyll end up in hell, so they do anything that is asked of them to avoid what they fear. Great minds have always been considered sacrilegious because to reach certain scientific facts its necessary to abandon the emotional chains. You have to be brave to actually learn anything, you have to be willing to question everything you ever believed to be true. Its scary and counterintuitive, but if you do you gain wonderful insights. The universe has no ego and no anger. The universe is part of us and we are part of it. Literally! Im not saying this to sound cheesy, its a fact that as animals we are part of the environment and we interact with it. Society doesnt teach to control emotions and only punishes individuals after they have acted unfavorably. Like putting a Band-Aid over cancer. They dont teach you that its okay to have emotions and that its important to understand where they come from. If they did we would have a much easier time dealing with them and moving on. Ive been told by a few people that Im pretty intelligent, but the truth is that Im not above average. I just have a practical mind and got tired of not getting answers to my questions from the church or school. Intelligence is very complex and cant be measured that simplistically anyways. The good news is that we can all be emotionally smart if we really try. That way we can really focus on what we want and not be trapped by anger or frustration. We could also pursue knowledge freely, without prejudice and with the help of science. The scientific method is the best way to obtain knowledge because it leaves emotion completely out of the process; as it can cloud the mind and distort ideas. Im not saying we should be robots either, but if we can learn to control ourselves we can be more objective at work and at the same time interact better with our families. The world would be a better place if we all tried to understand our role in the universe. That way we would realize how small we really are and maybe we wouldnt be so selfish. Greed is the root of most evil. And the only way to beat it is through love. But not the possessive love that we are used to, but by real love: understanding, patience and appreciation. (This feels kinda disorganized but summarizes some of my ideas). Hector.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 05:54:33 +0000

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