The winds blew across the star lit night sky. The moon was not - TopicsExpress


The winds blew across the star lit night sky. The moon was not full but just at the edge of fullness. The only noise in the air was that of a lonely car on the interstate. Its wheels pop against the fine strips of metal at the beginning of each bridge. One could feel the chill in the air after all it was late October. The nights were longer now and there seem to be an uneasiness in the air. The feeling was felt by all the people of the night. The feeling was so strong that even the street people of the night found a place to get out of the night. The dealers and the pushers even found an excuse to hide from the night. Even those ladies who walk the night looking for a quick buck, feared this night. All the doors and windows were locked tight against their frames. Blinds down and curtains pulled. A light flash of light and the locks on car door were down. Dogs and cats were afraid to speak on this fearful night. I seem to be the only human being on the street this cool lonely night. At times I would see the eyes of a wind animal staring from their underground dens. Their eyes glowed in the night from the street lights. A flashing amber walk/don’t walk sign lit my path. The stop light stood all alone and cycled from red to green to amber and back again. A public bus past my path, it was empty, only the driver was seen. The driver was making good time on his route this night for there was no one to pick up, just the dust off the road. Just down the road from me the bus made a hard turn and suddenly stop, crashing noise was heard. As I turned my head I could see some one run to the door of the bus. I began to run in the direction of the bus. I came up on the driver’s side of the bus. The windshield was broken in a star like pattern, hair and blood stuck to the glass in the middle of the star. The driver was lying on the floor near the door. As I walked around to the door side of the bus I could see blood run down the steps. There on the floor was the lifeless body of the driver. His face a bloody mass of tissue and his head opened up like a grape that had been stepped on. A gray matter pushed out of the broken head. His eyes stared at me as to say, help. But then a hand reached out and grabbed a handful of gray matter. The hand forces the gray matter into an open mouth of a young child. This thing reached for another handful. Blood and brain pushed through its finger. The child’s face covered in blood and pieces of brain. She lick each finger after took a bite of the gray matter. She looked up at me and smiled. Not willing to share she moved between me and died bus driver. It was as if she was a wind animal of the street eating road kill. I stood their in disbelief. I wanted to run but there was no place to hide. Then behind me I heard laughter, laughter of children. As I slowly turn I could see a group of 20 kids, no older then 12. They all had this look of hunger and I think I was their next meal. They look like a pack of dogs on the open plains of Africa. They moved in my direction, closer and closer they came. I turned and ran. Like a pack of hunger wild dogs they followed their game, who just happens to be me. At first I was way ahead of the pack but they were closing in. Before I knew it they had encircled me, laughing and giggling. One ran at me with it mouth and teeth open for a bite. I stepped to the side and hit the child with a right cross. The child hit the ground hard, dust rose all around the child. One after one they came and each time I was able fight them off. But then they came at the same time. Hitting me at the knees first the next couple hit my waist. I couldn’t hold them off. I hit the ground and began to feel the tearing of my flesh. This pack of animals was eating me alive. My body was being torn apart with every shake of their head. There was just too many of them, help I yelled. Then I felt a gentle hand against my shoulder, baby it’s only a dream she said. Your ok, you’re in bed with me, calm down. Then she began to laugh and she bite into my ne………..
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 03:24:13 +0000

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