The world is a depressing place. When people are shown reality - TopicsExpress


The world is a depressing place. When people are shown reality they excuse you of thinking too deep. They look down upon you and put you down. They do that because you just ruined their comfort zone. You made them think which lead them to be sad. If your happy all the time then their is a problem. Because a true believer who understands the truth of the this world can never be happy all the time. Its impossible. You will feel sadness. And pain, sadness, and sorrow was experienced by the prophets. To the point that some of them had to remain patient for years until they saw change. The most evil people are those that know the reality of this world and this life, but they purposely hide it because they just want to have fun and be happy. Good news for the sad and sorrow stricken people, your pain and sorrow over the state of our world is a sign of faith. While the people who choose to remain ignorant and happy all the time, their faith is weak or doesnt exist.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 20:14:57 +0000

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